Sunday, July 31, 2016

Political Shadows

Recently, I watched a video in which Dr. Deepak Chopra explained the popularity of Donald Trump via our Shadow side. For those not familiar with the term, it is our Dark Side. The side of Darth Vader, Voldemort, and Jabba the Hut.

On the masculine, it is our primitive depths of fear and anger. It is our ego, shouting at us from within that there is much to be afraid of in this world. That anger is the appropriate action to take. The Shadow side thrives on keeping 'us' away from 'them'. It promotes reaction over response.

What has happened over the years is that we have been suppressing our shadow. We give it cookie crumbs and keep it locked in our inner dungeons. But shadows get longer with suppression. The only way to release fears is to admit that they exist, and then show them compassion, love and light.

The best example that I can give right now is the new topic of allowing transgenders to use the male or female restroom that they choose, versus the one that matches their gender. When I heard about this, my initial fear was of the ways that it could be distorted by creeps. Men posing as women could feign being a transgender and gain access to the Women's Room. He could peek through slots of the bathroom cubicles and spy on women. And, what about the gym locker room? Women walking around naked.

But if I bring up my concerns, I fear being labeled as anti-transgender. But I believe that the true way to get through this new concept is through open dialogue. Shedding light on the subject. Acknowledging that people have valid fears.

What tends to happen in the U.S. is that issues are seen in black and white. For or against. Us versus them. This attitude suppresses fears and feeds the Shadow.

The grown-up way is to listen to both sides. Shed light on the subject. Only from there can compromises, trust, respect, and changes conducive to both sides be found.

Now, going back to Trump. He is feeding off our fears of ISIS, Syrian refugees, muslim extremists, etc. But feeding into our fears does not make the fears diminish, it makes them stronger. There are always things to fear in this world.

While Trump is the masculine side of the Shadow, it is my belief that Hillary Clinton is the feminine side. What I see in her is manipulation, deceptions, corruption, schemes and plotting. Think of the Emperor, Palpatine, from Star Wars. The face he originally shows to the Republic is one of a wise governor, out to help the people. But over time, we discover that he is not as he seems.

What is tricky about the female side of the Shadow, is that it is so good at hiding it's true nature. It is the ultimate chameleon of humanity.

The feeding of this side of the Shadow is brought about by not questioning the actions of those in authority. By accepting whatever information is given to us. It's easier that way. Life is very comfortable for people in the U.S. Well, at least it is for the white middle-class. Why rock the boat by investigating beyond FOX news? But ignoring bad behavior in children and politicians does not alter it. Only allows it to get worse.

What fear and ignorance, Shadow suppression, and staying in our comfort zone has brought us is two presidential nominees that could both be disastrous for our country and ultimately the world.

My personal choice is to vote for Jill Stein. I bring this up not as a way to promote her campaign, but rather to encourage you to vote for whom you believe will bring us closer to having a nation that you want to live in. Investigate your inner shadows. Why are you supporting a particular candidate? Pour light into your judgement.

Vote and live from a place within that recognizes that you have Shadows. With the exception of a dozen or so people, we all do. The recognition of your shadow is where you can start examining it.

After the recognition, the best way that I can tell you to dispel the Shadow is through light. I do this through daily meditation. This extends to my being better at responding and living in the moment through out the day.

Best wishes on lightening your Shadow. No more suppressing!

Heather Leigh