Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Listen to yourself when you speak. Imagine that the angels are listening so that they can know how you want your life to be.

Listen when people speak to you. They may be giving you clues to follow to get to your dreams faster.

Listen to children. It will teach you patience and compassion.

Heather Leigh

Monday, June 6, 2011

Enjoy the Ride

Are you enjoying your spiritual journey? If you've envisioned what you want, and are making the steps toward the goal, be sure to have fun on the ride. Don't wait til you get there to laugh, make friends and celebrate.

Imagine that you are on a gorgeous boat, have set your course and trimmed the sails.  You may hit some rough water and there may be calm spots that produce little movement. Enjoy it all.

You're going anyway, might as well enjoy the ride.

Heather Leigh

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Give to Yourself

'For it is in giving that we receive'... from The Prayer of Saint Francis

In reading this, it's easy to assume that the giving must be outward; that we must give to others before receiving for ourselves. But this would be disconnecting ourselves from others. You are a part of everyone else, therefore you are one of the things to be given to.

In fact, you must give to yourself first.

Treat yourself with giving and the Universe will know to treat you even more. Then as you are filled with joy, you will be able to give to others as well.

Heather Leigh

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Akashic Records

A friend told me about the Akashic Records years ago, but it sounded so far out that I didn't pursue learning more. Then about a year ago, she told me about a new book: How To Read The Akashic Records by Linda Howe.

The book makes the subject approachable.  It explains that we all have a record of our past lives that is being tenderly guarded, and is accessible as we are ready. It can be used for asking questions regarding our spiritual path.

I have been using the records to ask what I can do to further my career, meet the man of my dreams,  be a better mother, clear obstacles from past lives, and obtain greater happiness.

Heather Leigh

Monday, May 30, 2011

Recognize Coincidences

When you are clear in your intentions, the Universe plays the backstage crew and sets up the 'coincidences', accidents, and occurrences that allow your intention to come to fruition.

Be aware so that when the coincidences happen, you can recognize them and thank your angels.  This will increase the frequency and speed at which your dreams manifest.

Everybody likes to be thanked.

Heather Leigh

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dream Dictionary

Dream dictionaries are a must on a spiritual journey. What better way  for your angels to let you know where you are at on your path then in your dreams? There is no filter, guilt, blame or excuses. You aren't too busy to listen while sleeping.  Life's current movie is playing every night.

But, the messages can be confusing and misunderstood. A dictionary helps. The one I use is 'Dictionary of Dreams' by Rose Inserra and it has served me well.  There are other great ones out there.

Remember to keep it by your bed so that it can be referenced as soon as you wake up.

And if you are one of those people who never remember their dreams: ask your angels for help. Just before sleep, ask to remember your dream in the morning. Believe it and start telling yourself that you do remember your dreams.  It may take a while, but your angels can do this.

A special thanks to my brother and sister-in-law for the gift of my dream dictionary.

Heather Leigh

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Are You Spiritualer Than a 5th Grader?

My 5th grade son wants to have his own youtube channel. He is not making excuses as to why he has not done it, or why people aren't watching it, or how it can't be done.

Rather, he has a plan of how to get a camcorder, has set up the youtube account and made a facebook page, thought out what he will post, and given his family code names to use.  He has a goal of when to have it up and running.  He has envisioned how many subscribers he will have.

He has told the Universe what will make him happy, and taken the steps to show he is sincere.

And I get to be the lucky one who sits back and learns from watching him. Thank God for children to teach us.

Heather Leigh

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Structural Organization, or Rolfing, is a series of ten deep tissue massages designed to realign the body back to it's natural state. Each session focuses on different muscle groups. By the end of the ten treatments, the client will have near perfect posture.

As the body holds memories and emotions, the sessions allow for a release of past negativity.  With an aligned posture, positive energy can flow more freely.

The sessions can be intense. It takes a brave spirit to allow the release of past pains. But the 'new' that evolves is worth every moment of the sessions.

Words of advise: if you decide to undertake the sessions, be sure that you feel comfortable with the practitioner and that you are in a good space in your life to undergo the treatments.

Heather Leigh

Monday, May 23, 2011

Role Break

Ever notice that you are living out 'roles'? You are a: male/female, parent, worker, joker, leader/follower, teacher/student, lover of ...?, anything you call yourself. These things are just roles, they are not your true self. 

Take a moment right now and through out the day to be aware of your roles. There will be the obvious ones, but over time you will notice the more subtle ones. A friend may tell how they view you, giving more role realization.

And then, take a break from your role.  Take that role off like a worn sweater and see how it feels to not wear it.

This will get you closer to the true you.

Heather Leigh

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fire Cupping

Ever seen someone with two inch red circles on their back? No, they were not beaten with a rubber ball. Probably, they had received fire-cupping.

Fire cupping is an ancient asian practice of heating up glass cylinders  with openings at the bottom and then placing the cup on a tight muscle. The heat and shape of the cup work together to draw out toxins and muscle pain.  The cups loosen once the toxins have been released. At the end of the treatment, people generally feel better and are more relaxed.

I highly recommend trying it. You can google fire cupping in your area to find a practitioner. Just be sure to wear a shirt afterwards that will cover the work so you don't look like you've been abused.

Heather Leigh

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ant Messages

Ants teach us to slowly build up our lives--don't rush.  They live in huge underground palaces but their slice of heaven was not created in one act.  Working steadily together, they tunnel out their dream life.

Rather than spray your home with poisonous ant spray, be aware of the messages they are giving. Keep your home clean, wipe off the counters and cupboards, and keep sugar and honey in the fridge. It takes more time, but your health and respect of the earth is more important than quick harmful fixes.

Whatever path you are on, it will come, one cookie crumb at a time.

Heather Leigh

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Do you have a long-term goal? For various reasons, as we walk the path toward our goal, we will put up distractions to keep us from that goal. The reasons may be fear of our own excellence or not feeling that we deserve it.

Examples of distractions include eating junk food while on a goal to lose weight, dating the wrong person because they are available, watching excessive TV.

If you have been allowing for distractions, be gentle with yourself and acknowledge what you have been doing. Then decide that the future can be distraction-free. In this present moment, feel your goal as complete and make the steps towards it.

Love yourself as you make your journey.

Heather Leigh

Monday, May 16, 2011


Earthing is the technique of touching the earth in order to pair earth's electrons with the our body's free roaming electrons. This can improve your health, free you from pain, and give more vitality. 

Some examples of earthing are  spending more time outside barefoot, hugging a tree, being in the ocean, or digging in the garden. We benefit from having a stronger, more direct connection with the earth. 

To learn more about earthing, visit

Good bye for now--I'm off to do some barefoot gardening and then take a dip in the ocean!

Heather Leigh

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Chakra Healing

Chakras are color energies that have seven major spots along your spine: root, spleen, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, and crown.  Each of these areas are effected by your surroundings and other people. Keeping them aligned and healthy has a positive effect on your emotions, spirit, and body.

I have had chakra alignments done and come away feeling healthy, grounded and energized. The chakra aligner placed a crystal hanging from a thread over my chakras.  While keeping her hand steady, the crystal circled over each area either counter or clockwise at varying circumferences. This showed her which areas needed healing energy, which she then sent.

There is a great website I discovered called www.chakraenergy. com in which you can learn more about your chakras and what you can do to keep them healthy.

Heather Leigh

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Body Vibration

Occasionally during massage, I have felt a slight vibration on a client's body.  It's like touching a speaker and feeling the vibration of the music.

This, I believe, comes from having a body with free flowing energy.  Stress and tight muscles blocks this flow.

In order to have a healthy body that allows for a natural vibration, you can practice yoga or tai chi, get monthly massages and acupuncture, exercise, meditate and maintain a nutritious diet. Also, be at peace with where you are in life.

It is not often that I feel that healthy vibration on people.  If we take the effort to allow our vibration to flow, life will be able to flow within and around us--effecting our whole world for the better!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Gentle Disclaimer

My disclaimer: Instructions, advice, and suggestions that I am giving are all coming from someone who is also going through the process. I am on the path to more happiness and greater awareness, and, same as you, am stumbling, falling off, losing sight, and needing reassurance from my guides.

Let's all be gentle on ourselves. We're in this together.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Everyday Adrenaline

We get 'high' from every day things:

  • the thrill of living paycheck to paycheck--how will we pay those bills?
  • complaining and being able to feel superior to our complaint
  • gossiping and running the risk of the other person finding out what we've said
  • being late, making others wait for us, and getting the attention of arriving late
  • controlling situations and watching others squirm
  • stress
  • being a victim gets us sympathy
  • having a medical issue, more sympathy, and bonding with other sufferers 
While these are exciting in the short term, they are not fulfilling.  They are distractions.

Recognize and expose your Everyday Adrenalines. Then replace them with positive creative ways of living.

Find a new way to happiness.

Heather Leigh

Monday, May 9, 2011

Eradicating our Witches

While giving massages I have seen negative forms leave people's bodies, had ancestors come to visit, and angels assist me. Recently was the most incredible event I had ever seen.

The client was an older Asian acupuncturist who told me she had been plagued by a witch. At first, I thought she meant a metaphorical witch--my western mind not grasping her reality. But then we started working and I saw an eye on her leg watching me and could see the witch with my third eye. I poked the witch's eye and felt a scratch across my face and heard her calling me obscenities. After massaging her leg and pulling out the excess energy, she still would not leave.

Finally, I knew that what it came down to was my knowing that I was stronger than her.  Putting my hand on the place the witch had initially entered, I felt my power.  The witch came out. I put a protective bubble around my acupuncturist friend to prevent re-entry. It was amazing.

What strength do you hold in life? You have done amazing things. Next time life presents you with a challenge, remember your power. You are always stronger than you think you are.

Heather Leigh

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Path of Happiness

Having just moved to a new part of the state, away from familiar things, I did a meditation asking to see my path. What I was shown was a path that slowly went away, leaving me in complete darkness.

What was I to do? Where should I go? How do I know how to get what I want?

Then I realized that I already was standing on firm ground, I just couldn't see it.  The path that I am to take is up to me--Universal Support never left.

I am continuing the path I had already chosen--toward increasing happiness.

We are all connected. We are all supported. We can all chose happiness.

Heather Leigh

Monday, April 25, 2011

Ego Explained

Ego distracts us from hearing the small inner voice that is sending messages leading us to the happiness we seek.  Complaining, gossiping, jealousy, self-demeaning words, and the repeating of your problems can all be lumped under ego.

We use it as a misguided attempt to protect ourselves.

If we did not have ego, we would have to face the world as it truly is.  If you are not use to this, it sounds scary.  Hiding behind ego is like comforting junk food--it feels good while you are eating it, but it causes sickness to our soul and body.

Every time you notice the ego talking: listen to your breath, become aware of your surroundings, notice how you feel.  Being in the moment is death to the ego.

Recognizing your ego is like taking a sledgehammer to it.  You can let go of your need for it if it is in smaller pieces.

And then you can more easily hear the quiet voice leading to joy.

Heather Leigh

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Timing is Everything

I schedule, plan, set short and long-term goals, fill my Day Planner, and write a things to do list.  Everything is going to go just as I foresee.

Oh, but wait! I asked the Universe for happiness and the Universe, with all of it's own planning stuff, has a different agenda then I do.  All of my planning plays second fiddle to the Universal Planner.

There are two options here. 1. Force my schedule and take longer to get what I want.  2. Go with the schedule changes that the Universe brings and reach happiness as fast as the Universe can travel.

Hmmm, yeah, I'm going for door number two.

Heather Leigh

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Power > Excuses

I was going to write this blog earlier, but I ran out of cat food, my dog needed a walk, my son wanted to show me how to use a Diablo, the cupboards needed cleaning and there was a glass of red wine screaming to be sipped.  It's not my fault this took so long to write.

This may all be true but...

Giving excuses gives away my power because I am not being responsible for my own life. Giving away my power reduces my ability to change my life.

Why do I want to change my life?  Because I want to increase my happiness.

And who increases my happiness? Me.

So, I am writing this blog right now because it brings me happiness.  No excuses.

I do have to admit that I always maintained my power over those dirty cupboards. In no way did they coerce me into cleaning them over writing this blog.

Heather Leigh

Friday, April 15, 2011

Replacing Fear

Life is changing rapidly for me. We are moving across the state to a town I have officially visited three times, the only pet-friendly house I could find to rent is a dump, and job prospects are questionable.

But I know it is going to turn out to be a wonderful move for us.

In the MEANTIME, fears are popping up.  So, I replace them.  I don't throw away the fears, as this can lead to shoulder injuries (really!).  I see the fears, accept them, let them transmute away by themselves, and immediately replace them with a picture of what I want my new life to be like.

Replace fear with hope.

Oh, and take many deep mindful breaths.

And, okay, maybe a bit of chocolate.  Chocolate always helps.

Heather Leigh

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Easy Listening Lesson

After wondering what beautiful lesson the Universe was presenting me with regarding an acquaintance who wanted to talk about negative things for long periods, I asked a friend for help. She taught me two things.

One, we all need to vent through exercise, talking, crying, something. I was allowing this person to vent through me and I did not need to allow it.

Two, the lesson was as simple as setting a time limit for her that I would stick to and feel comfortable with. I did not need to explain myself--just tell her I had 5 minutes to listen and then say goodbye.

The process worked smoothly this morning when she called and I re-learned another valuable lesson: Life can be that easy!

Heather Leigh

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Animal Spirit Guides

When you see a particular animal that begs for your attention, such as a hawk on a fence post, fourteen rabbits on one walk, a butterfly on your shoulder, take notice. It could be giving a message, such as: offering comfort, a new perspective, or a warning.

You'll know if the animal is offering a message if you feel a special significance to their presence.

Animal Medicine Cards can reveal what the message is.  They are based on the general traits of different animals.

For example, a lizard ran into my living room last week.  The Lizard Card told me that the fruition of either my dreams or fears was coming soon. As I am moving far from my home city next month, the lizard was sending a timely message.  I paid attention to the fact that it would be either my dreams or fears coming and decided to concentrate on my dreams.

Dreaming is more fun.

Heather Leigh

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Relaxation Today

"I have decided that today is the day that I am leaving behind my stress," the massage client told me.  And she did.

She received a massage, a facial and a body scrub; played in the tide pools with her daughter; went to a wild animal preserve; received another massage the next day.  By the end of her vacation, she told me it had worked, she was relaxed.

You do not have to do everything that she did to relax.  Many people I've worked with have done similar things but still come out complaining. 

The trick was that she decided, firmly, that she was going to leave behind her stress.

Decide what you want today.  Stress relief is a good one, I prefer to ask for happiness.  Know with all your heart that it has happened.  And get ready for some fabulous results.

Heather Leigh

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I tried acupuncture today! It was intense; filled with emotion, discomfort, lines of energy zipping through my body, and deeply relaxing.  Way more of everything than I thought it might be.

The acupuncturist was an older Chinese woman with a strong accent and playful eyes--the epitome of acupuncturist archetype. She felt my wrists and I felt a line of energy surging out my ring fingers, up my arm and down my legs.

Next, she gave me an evaluation of where my organ weakness and muscle tightness were coming from--all accurate.  It was about childhood stuff I had yet to fully recognize.

Lying on a massage table face down, she stuck me with a few thin needles in my neck, legs and arms. As I lay there for about half an hour, past emotions showed up.  In being able to feel and acknowledge them, the emotions were released.  I felt peace.

Afterwards, as she knew that I, too, was gifted in seeing within others, she asked me what I saw in her.  I looked for a few moments and then saw a little girl; she was endearing and sweet.  It was an honor to be asked by her.

Acupuncture is a moving experience that I recommend.

Heather Leigh

Monday, March 28, 2011

Conversation Clarity

Speaking clearly in potentially hazardous conversation can keep you at peace.

If you are talking with someone and feel that it is becoming heated, let them know that you want to stay away from confrontation.

If you are feeling defensive, or the other person is, try looking at the situation from their side.  Putting yourself in their shoes is a time tested tactic that works.

If you or other the person is not ready to calm down, leave.  You can continue the subject when you are both ready.

The most efficient way to be able to do all of this is to stay present in the moment.  Watch yourself as if you were outside looking in.  Ask yourself, what might be a creative kind way to ease this situation.

Peace is an organic movement.  Let it come to every conversation.

Heather Leigh

Friday, March 25, 2011


Intuitive Consultants, or psychics, are able to tell you where you are heading in life. They are looking at the path that you are on, and seeing where it is leading.

But you can change your path.  You don't have to stick to the one you are on.

If you go to see an intuitive consultant, and they tell you that your future holds something you don't want, change your path.  Change whatever it is that is leading you to the undesired event.

There is no such thing as destiny, pre-ordained in Heaven, or 'it was meant to be'.  This is your life. You have the power within you to program your future.

Heather Leigh

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Visualize Your Life

Visualizing is about seeing the life of your dreams and then moving toward it. As this will bring you greater happiness, it is another way to connect with God: the ultimate cheerleader for our happiness.

You can quicken the process by simultaneously feeling joy and 'seeing' where you want to be.  While you are meditating, picture a scene that makes you feel happy. As you are feeling this joyful emotion, bring in a visualization/picture of your dream life. Let the Universe clearly know that being in this dream situation will bring you even greater happiness.

Ask your angels for clear signs of what you can be doing to bring about your dream life. Pay attention. Their signs my be subtle or quiet, but they will come.

Keep your dream believable. If you ask to be President of the U.S. but you were not born there, you are not going to believe that this could be a reality.  Dream big, but be sure that you can keep the faith that it will happen.

See your dreams, take the steps towards them, and stay in faith.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Positive Visioning

Visioning, created by Dr. Michael Beckwith, is when you ask Spirit what you can do to be more in line with a higher path.

The first time I tried out this visioning thing through meditation, I was scared. What if Spirit/God/Goddess/The Great Spirit/The Universe told me to sell all of my belongings, shave my head, move to India, and give everything I have to the poor.  EEEKKK!!!! 

Then I remembered that I am connected to God and God already knows what I want.  If doing the above things would not make me happy, then the Universe would not be a happier place.

What makes me happy is being with my children, having a flexible schedule, financial prosperity, helping others, loving animals and writing. Being able to do things that make me happy puts me in line with a higher path. Visioning helps me see what I can do to be even happier.

The ultimate in a positive Catch-22.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Asking Thru Prayer

Matthew 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Prayer is asking God for what we want.

The biggie here is that you have to BELIEVE that you going to receive.  How many of us jokingly say we will win the lottery but never do.  We don't win because we don't really believe that we are going to win.

When asking for what you want, it helps to start small. Ask for something that you believe you could get. Then, do something.  Show God that you believe that you will receive by moving in the direction of your dream.

For instance, if you want a new car, make the space for it in your garage. Visit the dealerships and view the latest styles. Go test drive a few models. Buy new driving gloves. Know it is going to happen.

Asking is not limited to physical items.  You can ask for strength during rough times, wisdom when presented with difficult choices, or comfort in times of stress.

Know that it is okay to ask.  You are a child of God.  You deserve goodness.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Meditation 101

Meditation is simply being with God.  It neither asks for or expects anything. Dramas, emotional roller coasters, hazardous reactions, and disconnections are gone. It is a time to be aware of your connection to God. gives so much.

By simply being with God, you are open to seeing every situation as it is.  Then, you can respond with clarity and peace.

It is 'addicting', too. As you progress in the length of time that you are meditating, you can experience a bliss that feels really good inside!

If you have questions about your life, God needs your mind to be quiet so that you can hear Him/Her. Meditation quiets the mind so that your heart can hear the answers.

As we realize our connection to God, we realize our connection to everything, as God is Everything. If we are all connected, then hurting my neighbor, animals, the environment, the earth, must hurt me.  Since I want to be kind to myself, I have to be kind to everything else.  Do you get how this could lead to World Peace if everyone were meditating?

It might be a jump for many to see that God is everything. For those of you who are uncertain about it, I suggest you meditate on it for awhile.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Vocabulary of Connections

There are four main ways in which we connect with God: prayer, meditation, envisioning, and visioning.

In prayer, we're asking God for something. Meditation is being with God. When we send a visual message of how we want our lives to be, we are envisioning. Asking God what we can do is called visioning.

A further description of the four connections will be coming soon!

BTW, God/Goddess/The Universe/The Great Spirit all mean Love.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Two Choices

We have two choices on spiritual growth. There is the old way in which we play the blame game, remain a victim, over-indulge in tears, hold grudges, and feed our anger.

Or, we can grow through acceptance of our present condition, listen to our small still inner voice, deepen our understanding of others, forgive, love, and recognize our connection to all there is.

The latter choice sounds way more fun to me.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Beauty Flows

See yourself as beautiful and let that knowledge flow outward. Start with your body, clothing and personal style.  Move on to your home, workplace and car.  Let the food you intake be a part of nature's beauty--healthy, tasty, and organic. Let beauty flow around your life.

The Universe sees you as beautiful.  Now see it in yourself.


Monday, February 28, 2011

Relaxation Language

Relaxing is like learning a new language.  When I massage a tense person, if I just say 'relax', it may sound like I am speaking Sanskrit or Mandarin Chinese. Unless you are fluent in these languages, you won't 'know' what is being said.

Teach your body the language of relaxation by immersing yourself in it--just like learning a foreign language.  When you are relaxed in a warm bath, during a massage, or in the moments before you wake, take note of how you feel.  Learn from the experience. Then throughout your day, take three breaths, and recall how you felt during your relax moment.

The more often you immerse yourself in the foreign language of relaxation, the easier it will be to bring it into your life.

It is when we are relaxed that we can hear the Universe guiding us.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Outside Meditation

Meditation can be started from the outside.  Begin in the usual way, sitting comfortably in a quiet place.  Then, listen to every sound around you.

From where I am, I can hear water pouring into the fish tank from the filter, my dog snoring, the neighbors speaking loudly, a car engine, my son playing outside, and footsteps on the outside stairwell.

Spend some time listening to everything.  Do not analyze what you hear.  As you are listening to outside sounds, you are not hearing your mind's monologue.

When you feel ready, shift your attention to the sound of your breath.  Keep your focus on the breath within.

Now you are meditating.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Handwriting Your Spirit

Handwriting analysis can be used to learn more about your personality and to change it.  By altering how you write, you can alter your personality.

On a spiritual note, when you cross your 't', put the horizontal line at the top.  This can bring up your self esteem to be more open to listening to your inner wisdom.  Also, when writing the 't' in cursive, make the vertical line one line--not an open loop. This allows you to be less effected by criticism.

Keep your writing easy to read to enhance your communication on all levels--stay away from the 'doctor' writing style.

Be sure to have a strong, tall, and straight capital 'I' to ensure you have a strong sense of self.

Have fun writing the personality you want to have.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Falling Off the Spiritual Wagon?

Feeling down, out and blue?  Forgetting the way to your spiritual path? Flailing in the pits? Then try this simple technique to get you back on track...say thank you.

Say thank you for sidewalks, streets, and spell chek. Keyboards instead of typewriters are a blessing.  You don't have to eat gruel every day.  Grocery stores stock more variety of veggies than you will ever eat. Dogs and cats have fur to pet. Our air is still breathable and the water drinkable. Have someone who likes you? Wow, you have alot to be thankful for.

Say thank you for every little mundane and ordinary thing you see.  On a really sucky day, this could be a challenge, so keep it simple.

Being thankful will crack open the door back into your spiritual, loving self.

Thank you for reading this.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Spiritual Posture

Our can posture reveal where we are on our spiritual journey.

If the head juts forward, in front of the heart, this can mean that the mind is given more attention than the heart.  When the shoulders hunch forward, the person may be looking to protect the heart.

Feel like there is a string tied to the top of your head.  A balloon is gently lifting the top of your head upwards, allowing your body to align itself naturally.  Your feet are securely on the ground.

A wonderful mantra to chant while walking and to help your body align is:
Open your heart to God
Lift your crown to Heaven


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What Next?

As you release old ways of thinking and behaving, you may start to wonder: what do I do now?  If I am no longer gossiping, complaining, and nagging, what do I do with my time?


As the old stuff is released, there is more room for creativity and fun and joy.

At dinner last night, rather than nagging my son about eating his carrots, we made shapes out of a pile of quarters.  Rather than complaining about a difficult co-worker, we played a silly game he had invented.  Rather than gossiping about our neighbors, we took the dog for a walk and howled at the moon.

Life is much more fun without the negative stuff.  Trust me, you'll find this to be true.

Oh, and he did eat his carrots.  He followed the rule of no desert until veggies are eaten.  But he did it with out me nagging.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Turquoise for the Throat

Want to be more clear in your communication?  Love the beauty of turquoise stones? Then wear a turquoise necklace that lies close to your throat.

Turquoise is similar in color to your throat chakra.  Keeping the stone close to where your speech begins will help to keep this chakra open.

After learning this simple technique years ago, I am amazed at how many people I see who instinctively wear turquoise necklaces.  We often do things by instinct that help us, without ever knowing the full impact of our actions.

So wear your turquoise necklace and Speak Up!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Body Memories

Our bodies store memories of past events.  There are points on our bodies, often muscular, that retain strong emotions.

As a massage therapist, I have 'seen' numerous past events in people's lives when pressing on the body.   For example, while doing deep tissue massage on a client's back, near his scapula, I saw him being physically abused by his father as a teenager. Later discussion let me know that this had indeed occurred.

These body memories often cause physical pain, stiff muscles, and disease.

Three suggestions for working through these body memories is stretching, massage, and yoga.

If you feel an emotional release using the above suggestions, be sure to acknowledge the emotion.  Accept it.  Often we are told to just let it go, but I have found that people often develop shoulder pain from attempting to 'throw away' the emotion.

Again, when you feel the release, stay with it, accept it, and love it.  The memory will release on it's own.

P.S. This is not an overnight process.  Be gentle with yourself as you slowly allow your body to release it's 'stuff' at it's own pace.

God Bless

Monday, January 31, 2011

Velcroing Energy

When you feel like someone is 'pushing your buttons', try thinking of your buttons more like velcro.  If you have an energetic velcro for say people who lie, then each time you are lied to more of that energy will be able to 'stick'.  More lies=more velcro. This excess velcro energy blocks healthy, creative energy.  It slows you down.

If the Lying Velcro was not within you, there would be nothing for it to stick to.  You could clearly see that the person has their own issues that need not effect your inner peace.

This is not to say that lying, or incorrect behavior, should be ignored.  Rather, the behavior can be responded to with a clear mind, open heart, and present attention.

Your inner velcros bring you down.  Spiritual work is about recognizing, accepting, and letting go of your velcros.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ask With Trust

Once we have asked for what we want, what next?  Does a loud speaker appear above your head and tell you what to do?  Does the Universe send you a personal text?  Surely you must get at least an e-mail with step-by-step instructions on how to get what you want.

Well, maybe we do.  Just not in the way you might think.  The Universe tends to send it's instructional messages quietly.  Subtly

Once I asked for help on forgiving someone.  The next day, I turned to a new radio station and heard the last few minutes of an interview with a family counselor.  The subject was on forgiving for the same problem that I was having issues with.  The Universe had answered my request--I got the help I needed to see things more clearly and forgive.

Answers may come from something you overhear in the grocery store, a magazine article in the doctor's office, a quiet voice heard in meditation.

So go ahead, ask for what you want.  You will be guided on how to get it.  Keep your trust in that.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Opportunity Buffets

Buffet dinners are a great way for us to try new things and discover what we really like.  A sample of this, a little of that, and suddenly we have a full plate of delicious things to go back for seconds on, or try to hide  under the napkin.  Yummy or yuck--it's up to us.

Opportunities for greater happiness are given to us like a buffet.  "Opportunity Only Knocks Once" is a foolish myth.  It knocks all the time, as long as we ask and are listening for the sound.

Let's say we have asked the Universe for a more rewarding career.  The Universe does not just send one career that we must take for happiness.  It sends a variety of ideas and opportunities for a rewarding career.   Sampling new things, like classes, workshops, books, etc is a way to be a part of life's buffet.

So if you missed out on buying stock in Apple computers or Starbucks coffee when they first came out, don't worry: Opportunity Buffet Restaurants are open 24/7.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Free Will and Angels

We can ask our angels for help on any matter.  If you are between jobs, or want a better one, ask your angels to be on the look out for you.  Looking for Mr./Mrs. Right? Angels can guide you.  Want to know if you are on a spiritual path that will bring you greater joy--ask your angels.  You can even ask to be guided to convenient parking spots.

But here's the catch--you have to ask!  Because we have been given Free Will, Angels cannot help us until we ask (except in rare life threatening situations).

You can ask through meditation, to yourself in the market, or jogging in the morning.  They hear your every thought.

Just remember--Ask and it will be given, seek and you will find.
Matthew 7:7

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Third Eye Opening

Shirodara treatments can help to open your Third Eye, giving an expanded view of the spiritual world. It is done by having a thin stream of warm oil (often ayervedic oil)  poured onto your forehead, concentrating on the area just above the middle of your eyebrows. As you will be lying on a table, the oil then pours into your hair.

Although I had been 'seeing' spirits for several years, afterwards I saw them more frequently.  I became aware of ghosts entering rooms, blocked and/or flowing energy on people, angels, animal guides and spiritual guides.  Also, I am more able to feel vibrational variations in different places.

The Third Eye, for me, first looked like an open eye that I saw when I closed my physical eyes.  Now, it has changed to a black center in the shape of an eye, with layers of colors encircling it. Warm showers make it easier to see.

A friend told my once that after opening her Third Eye, she began to see a spirit that frightened her.  She decided to ask her spiritual guides that her Third Eye be closed, and it was.

Shirodara treatments are offered at a few spas.  When booking your appointment, ensure that the procedure is not done with a 'squirt gun' of warm oil.  (I'm not kidding--this really happened to a friend of mine!)  A copper bowl with a small hole in the bottom was used in my treatment.

There is no guarantee that a Shirodara treatment will open your Third Eye.  But if nothing else, it is an extremely relaxing procedure and the oil is generally great for your hair.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Elephant Meditation Chant

Smart elephant riders in India give their pachyderm a stick to hold with it's trunk, preventing the elephant from grabbing things while walking--like your neighbor's lunch or sweets in the market place.

This is similar to using a chant while meditating.

Rather than allowing your mind to wander while in meditation, like the elephant's trunk, the mind is focused on the chant (or stick).

The chant you choose will be said repeatedly, so pick one that is meaningful for you.  Long or short, one word or a page, any length is acceptable.  Also, a chant that speaks of what you are trying to achieve spiritually will be imprinted onto your brain, repeatedly.

I use 'The Prayer of St. Francis'.  Other examples are: 'God Is...I Am'; 'God, Grant me the courage to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference'.

Memorize your chant beforehand, sit in a quiet space, close your eyes, and silently, repeatedly say the prayer to yourself.  You may wish to chant the entire time, or just until you feel that 'meditative state'.

Meditation chants are a great way for beginners to get started with out the pressure of doing it 'right'.  And for experience practitioners to move quickly into that meditative state.

God Speed to going within!




Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blinded of Elephants

I love the image of blind people groping about in a small room filled with an elephant.  Each person feels a different part but no one knows what the whole thing is.  Until...they either feel alot of the elephant (hopefully avoiding the tail end) or they tell one another what they are feeling.

Spiritual knowledge is like that.  We can feel around in the dark for a while and hope to avoid the crap end, or we can communicate what we know and figure out what is in the room quickly.

This blog is being started with the intention of sharing what I know about spirituality.  What I have learned has brought happiness to my life and I would like to share it.

But, I can't promise we'll never find the crap end.