Monday, December 9, 2013

Two Teens Alone On The Highway

Today for the first time my oldest teenage son drove his brother and then himself to school.  He received his driver's license last week.  It is a Right of Passage in a country that has few of them.  There were my two babies, in one car, taking car of themselves.

I asked my angels to watch over them today.  The two beings I care most about in all the Universe are out there amongst the traffic and other drivers.  I want every one in the world to meet them and give me a promise that they will watch out for my children.  That they will never experience hurt or pain.  But this is not possible. Just in driving away, I know that they must and are living their own life experience. I am left at the doorstep, being thankful that I have been allowed to play the role of their mother in this life time. And wow, what a double blessing that is.

Now they are these healthy, beautiful young men: poised, intelligent, funny and so very different one from the other.  I know that I did an incredible job as a mom as they are both so wonderful. No, it wasn't so much that I formed such beautiful beings, but that I provided the space for them to become themselves. That is the most that we can offer as parents--to not get in their way.  God has created two spirits that want a chance to experience life on this planet, and I was blessed with the chance to be their mother.

I know that I will always be a part of their lives.  That some part of them will always have a use for old mom. But they don't need me to break up fights over the last can of soda, or that jumping on the sofas at IKEA is not acceptable, or throwing snowballs into a mailbox destroys the letters inside.  As they grow, they will need help with college admission forms, cheering at ballroom competitions and a comforting presence when heartbreaks occur.  Someday, I may even get to watch over my grandchildren!

This is a new phase of parenting for me and a new road of responsibility for them.  Gone are the days when they  had to sit far apart from one another so that they would not kick each other in the face while driving on the freeway.  Now they can even agree on which radio station to play. Wow.

Life brings change. Today was a big one for my family.


Heather Leigh

Friday, November 15, 2013

Blustery Raven Day

This morning was a Pooh and Piglet blustery day. I could picture them walking in front of me on their way to Owl's house, about to be around for the destruction of the famous tree house.  After the dwelling is destroyed from a harsh wind, Owl asks Pooh if he did that.

"I don't think so," answers Pooh.

His answer always makes me laugh.

In walking along the bay this morning, I watched an unkindness (that is what a group of ravens is called--I just googled it) of ravens attempting to land on palm tree fronds waving in the wind.  It took them awhile as this is no easy feat.  I read once that our smartest computers cannot figure out how to land something on a tree branch that is jostling about from a brisk wind.  But a bird, with the notorious bird-sized brain, can.  Imagine, a little bird is smarter than the world's smartest computer. I love that thought.

And in watching the ravens, my mind was stilled with a far-fetched but works for me, metaphor.

There is a family relative and a friend, both whom I am close to, who are in the midst of health issues.  They are being jostled about with medications, and doctors, and figuring out the best place to land so as to arrive in a place of health.  The wind is blowing from all directions and landing is not easy.

There is no answer to why the wind came, when it will stop, how hard it will blow, or from which direction it will come from.  It just appeared.

What can I do about this wind for those ravens? I ask myself.  I have no control over the wind.  I cannot reach the fronds to give them a steady place to rest.  I can only watch and hope they catch hold of something soon.

Swooping and diving, hovering and flapping, the ravens eventually find their place to perch.

Being on the ground, mesmerized with the dance they must play, I am helpless to assist them in any formal way.  I send thoughts of encouragement, love and support.  Do they know that I want them to succeed?  Does my love of the creatures that they are help them feel their way to safety?  Does a radiation of positive energy transmit to guiding ravens on their quest to end their journey?

I don't know about the ravens, as they tell me nothing.  But my relative and friend assure me that the love I send does help to ease the pain a bit. So love is what I send.

They each hold their own journey which is theirs, not mine.  My part is to be thankful that they are a part of my life, and that I have the capacity to send love, support and positive energy.

Goddess bless them both.  Angels watch over them.

And so it is.


Heather Leigh

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Singing Religion

As I once heard from Michael Beckwith at one of his inspirational lectures, "someday, singing will be our religion."  His impromptu revelation came after listening to his wife, Rickie Byars Beckwith, sing her soul out to the crowded spiritual center in San Diego. She has a voice that shocks your spirit into being alive, present, and appreciative of her every lyric.

Now, I am not an old prude and I do like Rock and Roll from the Beatles and Elvis to the present day stuff my boys listen to, but sharing the gift of spiritually centered music with other like minded souls is like having a speed pass to my inner sanctuary.  When I meditate, I prefer a quiet room to myself.  When I listen to sounds designed to awaken me to my path to God, sitting in a room with others is my preferred option.  I don't know why that is, but somehow being a part of a group in which we are all enjoying ourselves brings about a more intense experience for me.  Must be the combined energy of the people moving along with the rhythm, musicians and the singer.  The energy pieces of each come together to uplift us all into an even greater force. The whole is greater than the combined individual pieces.

What I also gain is that a really good song, one that captures my breath in the first few notes, is crazy fast in getting me to a meditative state.  All of the day's ego filling up the mind with wordy crap can slip away in moments. It's like getting a fast track pass for the highway.  Once in my enlightened state, my heartbeat can pulsate along with the beat of the chords.  My breathing can relax into a consistent peace.  Roles that can cause stress and pressure are jerked out of me like a lover ripping off clothing in a moment of passion.  Yah, it is that good for me.

Of course, I am talking about live music here. A concert in which the singer is experiencing a passion for their self expression.  A singer who forgets that they are there to entertain and expands him or herself to become one with their bliss.  To share with this kind of performer in hopes of wanting a touch of the divine within is religion at its most evolved state.

Religion means to do something religiously, as in all the time. What if the whole world were singing together in a singing spiritual quest for just five minutes.  "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.  I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one"--John Lennon.

And so I sing out to you: Namaste,

Heather Leigh

Monday, October 28, 2013

Massage Through Gong

On yet another spiritual adventure, I ventured forth to a gong meditation at the spiritual center I attend last week. Sunday morning, as I was putting away the crayons, glitter glue, and crafts that we use in Sunday School, a lovely, gentle woman in a brown flowing skirt asked if I was entering the room to partake in the gong meditation.  It was a ten minute preview of what was to be offered for an hour in a few days time.

Oh, goodness, yes! I knew the Universe had once again set up my timing to ensure that I was in the place I needed to be in order to get in on that preview. Thank you, Universe, for putting together that time/space thing to boost my spiritual frequency and keep me on the path to God/Goddess.

The room was large with a plain brown carpet and a large hanging gong on one side. Chairs were placed in a circle around the gong for fellow relaxation conspirators. The gong expert quickly told us that the gong was able to produce every sound vibration in the world, thus connecting us to everything there is. In connecting through the auditory senses, we are in connection with our highest self.  I was so in now.

When she started the soulful sounds, the traffic in my mind slowed and my heart was being reached. My body sought to bridge itself to the vibrations of the gong.  Muscles relaxed and a stillness was reached. This preview had me hooked but was not long enough to move me where I wanted to be.

The instructor, Barbara Cole, has this to say about gong meditation:

The gong is an ancient instrument and it's healing vibrations can help you to:
  • Still your mind
  • Achieve a deeper state of meditation
  • Strengthen your nervous system for dealing with stress
  • support your body to heal naturally 
You can contact her at:

She also told us that our individual cells would be receiving a massage.  Some people may experience the effects by hearing sounds, such as animals, trains, or people talking. Others may feel the vibration going through their body. If there is a desire to leave the room and the experience, she said, resist doing so. This is your ego wanting to cling on to it's self-serving ways.

So by Wednesday evening, I was anxious to receive more of the gong sounds.  The room for church services held about thirty people, with most sitting on the chairs positioned in a circle starting with the gongs.  A dozen or more of us chose to lie on the ground to allow for greater relaxation. The other ground people knew to bring blankets, pillows and mats for comfort, which I will do next time.

This time there were several gongs of different sizes, all hanging from wooden frames, with gold or bronze colors.  They were beautiful and simple and powerful.

Barbara, the instructor, is a vibrant woman who radiates goodness, charm and health. Her manner and speech is accessible, personal and warm--someone you know you can trust with a gong.  When she hit the initial gong, it was set to relax and soothe and free our minds of the troubles of the day. She knew how to create space for us to reach tranquility and begin to travel to the depths of who we truly are.  Her intention was to reach each chakra, free it of any unwanted residue, and balance each one. 

I experienced hearing a train sound in the beginning.  The start of my journey perhaps? As time progressed, I could feel the energies of my body that were not positive leaving. This corresponded with seeing the demon features that had attached to the negative energy that had accumulated within me. As Barbara had said might happen, my reactive state wanted to leave. I hung in there. Demons left and as they did, love was allowed to light up my true self. My body felt lighter.  Energy was heightened.

After the meditation, several people shared their experience. One woman heard seagulls, several people heard whales, and one man heard people talking.  I saw a squirrel.  Everyone felt deeply relaxed and connected to the Universe.

It lasted about forty-five minutes and I wanted more.  As the world is constantly offering blessings, she will be back at the Center in three weeks.  Barbara had told us that gong meditation is addicting and I so agree.

If any of you spiritual aficionados have the opportunity to relax through gong meditation, this author strongly recommends doing so. It was some powerful stuff.


Heather Leigh

Friday, October 18, 2013

Heavenly Burrito Singer

Through our apartment window we can see into the back of a burrito shop. There is a drive-thru, so we hear the orders being placed through our kitchen window. Sometimes, early in the morning, there is an employee in there who sings into the microphone from inside the restaurant. If I get up early enough (they are open 24 hours), I get a wonderful concert as he is a great singer.

Seems to me that he is not giving the world the benefit of his talents.

This is what I believe an awakened world is all about: everybody doing what they love, sharing their creativity.  While there are many who love to cook and make burritos and serve people yummy food, he is not one of them.  He would be happier entertaining us with his voice.

Stealing the idea from John Lennon, imagine all the people doing what they love.  Think how beautiful this world would be. No one would be stuck in a job that paid the bills but they got little happiness from beyond the paycheck.

There would have to be a world-wide change, by everybody, for this to happen. This is what being awakened means: everybody seeing the benefits of helping each other achieve what they they want, and being open to taking the risk of trying something new for yourself.

There will always be people who love being an accountant, serve food, work in construction. The only snag would probably be finding enough people to clean the sewage system or scrub public toilets, but if we all took turns sharing the responsibility, it would get done. Say, if we all spent a few hours a month doing public service work and the rest of the month on giving of our talents, wow, that would be a world to imagine.

Of course, the only way to achieve this utopia is if every world soul was keen on the concept. Slackers and manipulators of the system would screw it up for everyone. In order for this to work, it has to be at a Universal level.

Crazy optimist that I am, I believe that is what the human race is going toward. Every being who is awakened to our connection to the earth and each other is pulling us one step toward the heaven on earth that Jesus spoke of.

Think positive thoughts and we'll all be on that path sooner rather than later.

This goes out to the burrito shop singer: Thank you for your voice. It is a wonderful thing to wake up to!
Heather Leigh

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Playful Practitioner

This morning at the Spiritual Center that I attend on Sunday mornings, I experienced a trigger of something I would like to do for children.  The Center offers courses in becoming a Practitioner, someone who learns techniques to assist others on their spiritual path.  What I want to do is to become more knowledgeable about the faith that I have known since I was a child: the power of the mind and of our thoughts. From this learning, I can incorporate awakening, awareness and love for children through stories.

The Narnia series, over the course of seven books, is really about choosing love over fear. I have written previously about the last book in which people chose love by entering an unknown shack that appears tattered small on the outside, but once they had made the choice and entered the dwelling, they found heaven on earth. C.S. Lewis, the author, wrote in a way that was entertaining. He pulled us into his land of Narnia with out ever letting on that this was really a message about accepting love.

What I see in most children's books written today that are about awakening and Divine Love is blatant messages that children tend to be bored with.  Kids want to play, read about adventure, and connect with characters.  I see adult ego at work wanting to feel that their written words are so beautiful that children will be transformed by self-help and inspiring works.  That's not the way of the child.

My vision is to create a nest for my self and my family, a comfortable home, from which I can spend my energies creating stories that will interweave messages of love through story telling.  And I don't want the Little Buggers to ever suspect a thing!

Anyone reading this, please take a moment to share this vision with me. As Jesus was quoted: 'For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.' For me this means that the more of us who are sharing a vision, the more love energy is present for us all.

May you be as playful as a child today,

Heather Leigh

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Let's Win This

Remember the last scene of 'Dead Poet's Society' in which the teacher, Robin Williams, had been fired for being too different, too inspiring, invoking too much change in a school built on constancy? How all the students, one by one, declared, "Oh, Captain, My Captain" and stood on their desks?  They were letting him know that his message of discovering life for themselves, of not feeding the mundane roles life had given them, of being what they are capable of being.  They got it all.

The vibration of our world is speeding up. Now is the time to make the choice of love or fear, every day, every second, every moment.  There is no putting off for later the choice.

Recently, I met a man who asked if I wanted to go someplace I have never been. The physical concept, the excitement of getting into a car and driving to some unknown location to experience something new is refreshing, scary and invigorating. My god, what will I wear?

But after a moment's reflection, I realized that is exactly what we are all doing right now--being asked to go some place we have never been. Yes, we've been glimpsing more and more the goodness of humanity, the spots in our lives that are marked and appreciated as times of love's energy being felt.  But, I hope, we are on our way to tipping the world scale to topple over into peace--someplace we have not experienced on a world level.

The only way for this to happen is organically, individually.  Every thought, every choice, do your best to keep it positive.

If we all choose love, we win.

Heather Leigh

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Shirodhara Bliss

What combines a deeply relaxing scalp massage, intensive hair treatment, is a form of Ayurveda therapy, and a possible opening to your third eye? If you read the title you know it is Shirodhara, a treatment that has been gracefully given in India for centuries to bring relief for stressful living.
The first time I had the extreme fortune to try this wonderful stream of tranquility streaming down my forehead and into my scalp, I was learning how to perform the service.  My long-time friend and fellow therapist, Olivia, was my teacher. Now let me tell you that I am a complete sucker for any type of scalp massage, but have it combined with dosha specific oils designed to bring about the wholeness of being and I am completely sold on the process. What I was not expecting was the intensity of relaxation.
Lying face up on a massage table, with my hair flowing off the table, a covering was placed over my eyes to prevent oil intrusion. A copper bowl held the oil and was hanging from a, forgive the analogy, wooden stand that looked like a hangman’s apparatus. Once I was comfortably in position, Olivia placed the hanging bowl above my forehead. The top of the copper bowl is wide for the oil to be poured in, but has a small opening at the bottom that is opened when the therapist is ready to give the gift of utter relaxation. A warm, thin, continuous cascade of scented oil drifted out of the bowl, to a point just above the middle of my eyes, and down my appreciative scalp and fell into a waiting bowl.  A simple towel waiting to absorb any noise that would interrupt my time of tranquility ingeniously hushed the sound of oil hitting the bowl.
Slowly, gently, Olivia dragged the copper nozzle back and forth along my forehead, always returning for prolonged interludes at my third eye. As the oil escaped my forehead, it was sent to mingle with my hair, greedy for the moisture and benefits my skin was reveling in.
I have held a meditative practice for over a decade, but the deeply relaxed state that I was put into at this point was deeper than I had ever experienced.  This is the point where visions may arise and inner awareness can be fully experienced—all in about fifteen minutes!
With the oil gone, the bowl is moved away and Olivia began the loving art of scalp massage.  Ever so gently, she rolled strands of my hair into rows that allowed the oil to sink into my skin and infuse into my hair. Having prior knowledge of the product being used, I was aware that my hair was gaining benefits of strength, durability and shine.  The touch of her practiced fingertips perfectly entwining the oil to my hair caused my whole body to feel so relaxed I was on an unknown realm of stress free living. It was bliss on a massage table. 
Once the oil had permeated my scalp and flowed out to the tips of my hair, her hands began to massage my head.  She followed a slow rhythm with pressure perfectly aligned to some unworldly knowledge of just what I needed.  The Shirodhara had been akin to a spiritual relaxation; this was more on the physical realm as my body sunk into the table and every muscle loosened into jello.
At the end of the treatment, she snuck away from the room, allowing me a few moments of contemplation before venturing out to the real world.
Shirodhara has been used to treat a variety of conditions including eye diseases, sinusitis, graying of hair, insomnia and psoriasis. It can also benefit premature graying or thinning hair. (These statements are not evaluated by FDA and are not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.)
Now that I have completely drawn you into a desire to book the treatment at the nearest spa, here are some tips:
·      Find out what kind of oil is being used and research what they tell you. Cheaper spas will use cheaper oils and you want something that will benefit your hair and scalp
·      See what they are using to hold the oil. I’ve heard tell of spas that will skimp and use something that resembles a water gun—I’m not kidding!
·      Be sure that the oil will be released in a steady stream. Dripping on your forehead is awfully close to water torture
·      Ideally, you want a spa that is going to discover your dosha and then use the oil that is best for you.
·      Plan to just go home and relax after the treatment. The oil in your hair, if it is the good stuff, will benefit you even more if left in for an hour or two. I often leave mine in over night.
·      When you take a shower, rub in the shampoo before getting your hair wet, then rinse. A second or even third shampoo is often needed to remove all of the oil. Leave your hair conditioner for another day, you won’t need it.
·      Try to schedule this service on a day in which you can relax for the remainder of the day.  This kind of peace should be relished and fully absorbed before heading back into the land of reality.
Best wishes on your day of hair therapy, scalp massage, and Shirodhara experience. 
Heather Leigh 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fruits of Goodness

Sunday morning I became an official Sunday School Teacher. No, there is no badge of honor, trophy, or official document to hang on the wall.  I do receive the joy of being around children, learn to lead them, and play fun games. Oh, and I get to color.

The week before had been the training time. I was the helper and also observed the teacher to know what to do the following week.  As the observer, it looked so easy.  I saw what could be done better, how to get them more involved, and how much fun I was going to be for the kids.  I would waltz in the following Sunday morning and have them captivated and spell-bound for an hour. I would not push my philosophy down any tiny throats but rather have them so enchanted with what I we talked about that they would simply absorb the message of "Fruits of Goodness".  The little sponges of knowledge would leave after an hour with me and become the healthy beautiful gifts of God/Goddess that we all know them to be.

Well, I did a pretty good job, but I don't think anyone was transformed or even mystified by my presence.

What I had hoped to accomplish was to stop the trite automated answers that I often see children giving to adults.  For example, ask an eight-year-old what is something kind that she can do for her little sister. The child will tell you that she could share her ice cream or give her sister a hug when she is crying. That sounds so sweet, that any adult will feel good about the words given.

But fifteen minutes later when the sisters are coloring and the younger one wants the blue marker that the older sister has, watch for 'no-way-I'm-going-to-share-with-you-look' and a possible kick under the table.  That is the reality of children.  The sweet stuff they generally lay on so thickly in Sunday School is just a front to divert the attention of adults from their true nature.

But my class was going to bypass the bullshit and just say honest things. Because I am just that good.

Oh, I was so naive.

After putting the kids into a circle, we all said our favorite animal, and acted each of them out together. That part was fun. Then, with my magic and charm and charisma, we would all say what good thing we could do for the animal.  In my mind, this was brilliance.  But those little buggers were too quick for my ego. They dazzled me with sophisticated answers about cleaning the earth of pollution in order to be good to the animals. As soon as they had thrown me the biscuit that I was so gullible to believe, they ran off to color the really cool wooden animal cut-outs.

It was then that I realized that I had just been scammed by the best.  The darlings had told me what I wanted to hear so they could be done with the lesson and I could feel good about what I had taught them.  They were so smooth, I almost didn't catch on to the fact that I had been swindled of actually making a difference in their lives.

The reality is, kids just want to have fun. No matter how much we want to sneak in a lesson or a message about the Goodness of God/Goddess/Universe, they want to enjoy life and not learn about it from an adult.  They want to play.  And, when I think about it, I'm down for that.

Heather Leigh

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Drumming Circle and Shamanic Healing Ritual

Walking into the small metaphysical store, I was greeted by over a dozen people sitting on cushioned chairs in a circle.  Two women with free falling hair were off to one side with wood and animal skin hand-held drums, each standing in front of someone who had also come for the Drumming Circle and Shamanic Healing Ritual.  After paying for the experience at the counter and finding a seat next to my friend, Lauri, I approached one of the drum woman for what I learned was called smudging. Asking my permission to smudge, she rhythmically tapped the drum, starting above me and working her way to the floor. Each tap she gave I felt the vibration entering entering my body and stress pouring away. At the floor, she smacked the ground, drummed her way back up, and repeated the process when I was turned away from her.

Securing my seat and a gourd rattle, the teacher led us in an exercise in which those with similar hand drums tapped twice and us gourd rattlers followed with two shakes.  We practiced a couple of times to get the rhythm of a train and to bring us together as a group.

As I never heard her name, I will call the teacher Strawberry for the color of her hair.  She informed us that we would be searching out our Spiritual Animal Guide.  This guide would later answer a question.
In order to protect us on our journeys, she invited a jaguar to watch over us.  Standing within our circle, she proclaimed a beautiful chant inviting the elements of nature, earth, wind, water and fire, and the four directions to guide us.

Next, Strawberry led us on a guided meditation to a field in a natural setting of our choice.  I chose a grassy landscape with flowers nearby and watched as a blue butterfly joined me.  From there, Strawberry pulled us down to our roots like a tree and had us continue down, down, down until we came to our place inside linking us to our deepest inner roots.  She encouraged us to walk down our path, parting grasses, and asking for our individual spirit animal guide to present itself.

Soon, a jaguar was weaving around me. After I saw this sleek creature, Strawberry let us know that the jaguar walked amongst us (I saw the jag before she told us about him! I love when intuitive stuff happens).  Continuing on, I walked through tall grasses and saw deer and the blue butterfly, then a big brown bear.  The big, soft gentle bear and I were soon wrapped together on the ground, hugging and playing, and rolling. Then the teacher said bear was amongst us!

Although I felt a kinship with the bear, I did not feel that this was my guide.  So I asked to meet my animal protector and expected to have another animal come to me.   Instead, I found a wolf inside of me. Boy was I surprised. It came out of my core and allowed me to hold him. It was warm and soft with thick, silver and white long fur.  In holding him I was in a place of deep safety, support, loyalty and  love--with a bit of a wild streak.

Strawberry called us back and instructed us to have a question to ask our animal guide.  I formed my question: What can I do to be a vessel of God?  Strawberry is a smart teacher.  Rather then asking for ourselves and being bogged down with our own wants and expectations and self-satisfying filters, we heard the question of someone else in the group. Nicole, sitting next to me, and I swapped our questions.

Teacher led us back to our animal guides and I asked the wolf Nicole's question.  The answer is private so I won't reveal what I learned. I will say that she understood the message and that it was relevant.

Via Nicole, her guide sent this message: stop saying exactly what outcome I wanted as it may be different then I think.  Don't be attached to the outcome, don't judge, and that my health was getting better.  All that she said made sense to what I am going through right now.

We closed with another drum and gourd train rhythm.

The vibration of the drums when performed by a healer can range from a relaxing experience to core change at the spiritual level.  Shamans are able to guide us to answers that we seek, visions, and harmony.  They vary in what they use for guides. Strawberry asked for animals, which I am also in favor of doing.  I hope that you will try out both drum healing and a knowledgeable Shaman on your spiritual journey.  Guides help us to be more efficient and keep us on our path.


Heather Leigh

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Question The Solidity Trees

I've been musing over the space between the atoms. Once I had a science teacher, or from a book--I don't remember where the information came from, explain how far apart the nucleus of an atom (comprised of the protons and neutrons) is from the electrons.

Picture a professional football field. In the center of the field is a football: this is the nucleus. The electrons are tennis balls orbiting around in the outer area of the stadium seats.  That leaves a whole lot of unaccounted for space.   If you think about all that emptiness, why don't we fall through everything?  There is more space than mass going on here.

It has to be our minds believing that there is enough mass in atoms to create solid surfaces. But the reality is that there is more space in a tree trunk then mass.  Shouldn't the tree look like a ghost? Shouldn't we fall right through it if we lean against it? Slipping through makes more sense than being able to use it as a place to rest our backs on.

Also, from what I understand of quantum physics, our thoughts can alter our football fields.  We can increase the nutritional value of food by giving thanks before eating.  We can turn water molecules from gross, ugly structures to beautiful pieces of art. We can transform our diseased body into one of health by focusing our thoughts on love, joy, the health that we already possess, and even laughter.

I'm not quite sure how these two ideas effect one another, the empty space and the power of our thoughts, but I suspect that they do.  There is room for change because there is so much space.

Bringing this altogether, it is obvious that we create our circumstances. If we have such powerful minds that we actually believe that emptiness with a dash of atoms equals solid surfaces, then we can create anything we want.

What are you going to create today?

Heather Leigh                            

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Relationship Blockages Are Not Pretty

In this newest class that I am taking with Rev. Kathy Hearn, we are searching our source for what is blocking us from being a part of a healthy relationship.  This is the core stuff that is so easy to ignore and so difficult to face.  The stuff, the dragons and demons and childhood fears, that we throw habitually in the path of romantic love.  Whether it be fear of abandonment and/or commitment, not feeling worthy, or issues with trust, it can keep us from experiencing the joy of having someone to play checkers with (I read that in a Jodi Piccoult novel and loved the phrase!) as we rock away on the porch swing toward a life time together.

This last meeting, we wrote a brief description of what we want in a relationship.  After that, we were led into deep meditative awareness as a way to connect to the heart.  We wrote down the energy blockages that surged out of the heart and onto the page until our thoughts were scourged.  It took awhile but in the end, there was nothing left inside that was not on the page.

I wrote for a long time, but eventually everything was out. It was such a relief! Now those yucky sticky thick negative thoughts were on a notebook and not in my head. I felt lighter but also drained.

Next we asked the awful, soul drenching self question of 'why do I cling to these energy blockages'. Eww and gross.  Do I really want to know this? Is there too much I can know about myself? How much of the Shadow within do I want to face. I mean, this could be worse then the days of tar and feathering.

I proved to be my own conqueror, faced the inner tar, and wrote down my part in the blockages.

It wasn't pretty.

The man I attract had better damned well be worth this self abuse. Oh, should I write that? It doesn't sound too spiritual and loving.  Please don't tell my future partner I said that--it will be our little secret.

For homework, we are thinking up and repeating positive mantras destined to fill the cleared space with love and hope.  Such as, if I've had experiences of feeling like I lose my self in a love affair, I can affirm that I am a powerful person.

Funny how the things that are designed through self awareness, with positive, thought out intentions, are so much lighter and enjoyable to hold onto.  Mm mm, they just feel good.

If you try this whole technique at home, be specific in your blockages. Don't just write fear of abandonment, but exactly what you fear could happen.  For example, if you got close to someone and they left you, you might care what the neighbors say.  You might look bad to others and that is an ego basher. Did someone leave you when you were young and it hurt and was confusing? Dig deep and let it OUT! Hanging on is no fun at all!

In saying this, there is a reason you've held on to the junk like a blockage pack rat.  Have you been too comfy cozy with your hoardings, been afraid of the beast within, enjoyed blaming others and playing the victim? Don't be shy in admitting your slinking shadow. One, no one has to read this because paper burns easily and two, once this is over you will feel better.

Rev. Hearn recommended the book, Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself, and I will be purchasing it soon.

Blessings with demon facing and filling in the empty space with love peace and hippie happiness.

Heather Leigh

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tasty Tarot Cards

Tarot Card Reader Lily's definition of the cards: Images that can represent both the physical and spiritual. You can think of an open-ended question, ask it, then draw ten cards that feel right. Each place has a significant meaning, as does each card.

 Last night I received a Tarot card reading.  In receiving a reading, I ask a question as clearly as possible then move the face-down deck of cards about the table until I feel that they are in the right place.  Now I have put my question, with my energy, over the cards.

Next, the Reader, Lily, chooses which ten cards she believes will answer my question.  They are her cards, so she must pick them.  Putting these into a pile, one by one she places them into a pre-ordained order on the table, still face down.  As she turns them up, Lily tells me what the cards mean, both in the card itself and in where it was placed.  In reading each card, I learn the answer to my question, including the timing and different things that relate to the question.

A few days prior, during a self-reading of my Akashic records, I had seen a wide white door close firmly in front of me--some part of my life is over.  When I turned around, there was no ground and all about me was floating in clear light blue air.  There was a man in striped pants and no shirt doing some sort of magic tricks.  Pieces of fabric were drifting about. I don't remember much of that place but was aware that magic was afoot and that whatever I wanted could be put together in this space.  All that was needed was for me to think about what I wanted.  Here, magic was reality

As I have been envisioning ten goals for quite some time, I assumed that this floating area must know my dreams so I waited for a door to open. I wanted to see what would happen next; no doors opened.

In getting back to the Tarot cards, I decided to ask how to best open the door that would get me to my goals, keeping with the highest good of all connected.

The results made sense to me.  Much of it was directly in line with what I had been seeing in my meditations.  I'm excited to find out how The Universe brings the ten goals to me.  The reading was clear that they would be coming to fruition soon.  Yey!

At the end of the Reading, Lily and I discussed our belief that the outcomes of Readings can be changed.  If I decide that I don't want what the Tarot cards are telling me, I can change my current life path so that the Reading will be changed.  If I want what is said, then I keep on doing what I'm doing. What a terrific opportunity!

Another helpful aspect is that even if we are intuitive, being in the middle of our own life, it can be difficult to step away and see where we are heading.  Readers are, hopefully, an unaffected third party with less biased vision filters.

I am thankful that the Reading that was given revealed that what I have wished for is coming true even better than I have been imagining. Oh, but first there is predicted some challenge that I need to be ready for.  Hmmm, wonder what the Universe is cooking up for me in her vast cauldron of dream stew.  I asked for this dream stew, now I get to taste how it comes out!

Heather Leigh

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Past Lives Are Not Just Stories

For most of my life, I believed that past life readings were a waste of time.  I mean, what is the sense of learning about something that happened before I was even born, and how could it be proven true? Fun, and interesting, maybe, but not relevant to this life time.

Then two Intuitive Counselors told me about two different past lives. One was of me living in a  cliff cave along the ocean.  People would gather outside my home and I would offer spiritual advise. This explained my fascination with the spiritual realm. Another was that I had once run an orphanage. After that reading, I saw myself in England running that orphanage during a deep meditation. In learning about that past life, I understood why I have a high ability to forgive in just about any circumstance except when it comes to the mistreatment of children.

Then during massages ( I was a massage therapist for a decade) I began to 'see' clients in different clothing, countries, and time settings and realized that I was reading their past lives. I saw them being mistreated, abandoned, having a spouse die young. After disclosing what I had seen to them, they would say that they had been attracted to that time period, or that what I had seen helped them to better understand their current life.

Through Akashic Record readings, it became easier to gain past knowledge.  The discovery that I was once sold off into slavery by a father attempting to pay off debts gave me a profound insight as to why forgiving my present father is so difficult--I'm not just dealing with one father issue, another one is tagging along.

The mother that I was ripped away from in that life time made me want a life in which I would not be so attached to my mom.  The pain had been too deep.  Hence, this life time I choose a mother that was intensely keen on getting me independent as soon as possible; attachment is not strong.

Sharing my personal history is not something I am comfortable with on a public blog. I am doing this because learning about where I came from and what I have been through has helped me to forgive and accept both myself and others.  It is in this vein that I hope to encourage you to have a past life reading from someone who knows how to do it.

Past life reading--not just for the fun of it.

Heather Leigh

Monday, July 29, 2013

Lion Love

Most of us have seen the movie and/or read The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis and many are aware of the biblical messages that the story is based on.  What is not commonly known is that the last book of the series is about choosing between fear and love.

 ***If you have been living in a cave for last decade or two and don't know the story, don't worry, you will still get the message of this blog.***

The lion is Narnia's version of Jesus.  False prophets comprise much of the story and manage to cause chaos, tension, and near warfare with power-hungry, talking animals.  They go unchallenged by the large amount of animals who follow too easily and question nothing. When everything appears dismal and on the brink of catastrophe, the lion appears.  The ending is the greatest part: the lion stands in front of the door of a plain dull shed and all of the Narnians line up in front of him.  No one can see what is inside the shed. As they come toward him and take in his awesomeness, some see beauty and feel peace, love and harmony. These beings go into the shed and find themselves in heaven.

Others see the lion and experience fear. These animals/people shy past the shed and lion and stay in Narnia.  Their lives continue as it was before. No changes are made.

In the story, Heaven is a brightening of existence, bliss, and joy. Everything and everyone now recognize the world as love.  This is what the Narnians learned when they recognized the Lion as a loving being.

With the frequency of the earth getting higher, we will be offered more choices of love and fear. Meditation will help you to be in the moment so that you can be present and more readily recognize when these choices are being offered. Listen to your heart and know for yourself if you are hearing a false prophet, or the real lion of love.

Heather Leigh

Friday, July 26, 2013

Beginnings Through Endings

"Incomplete endings inhibit new beginnings" was the message from Dr. Kathy Hearn at the latest relationship class I took with her. In bringing this collection of words to heart, we did an exercise meant to allow space for awareness of our present state and what we may need more work with. To the best of my ability, I'll share what we did so that you can receive the closure and peace that it gave to me.

***There is no wrong way to do this. As you begin, you will discover what works best for you.***

As always, start with a meditation. Breathe, relax, get present to the moment. Then, take a blank sheet of paper and a pen or some colored pens. Draw a line down the middle, going down the long ways on the paper. Mark your birthdate on one end and the present date on the other.

Now, make lines across the paper writing the names of significant relationships through out your life that have ended. These can be people close to you, situations, divorce date, death of?, anything that has ended and meant something to you.

Go back to each of the marks and write a small note about any regrets you may have, what you could have done better, what you learned from the experience--anything that strikes you as needing to be written. Then write what feels appropriate: Forgiven and/or Forgotten. Give this some thought. Is the person truly forgiven, or are you pushing down past hurts in order not to deal with them now. Reflect on how you feel. No one is going to see this. It's okay if you are still working on forgiving. Be gentle with yourself.

When you are ready to move on to the next person or situation, place a cross next to the person you just worked on. This gives a sense of closure and acknowledgement to the situation.

Once you are done, read over what you have done. Give yourself credit for having delved inside to truly discover where you are in your state of healing and forgiveness of yourself and others.  Be aware of relationships that may still need attention and love in order to move past them.

Complete your endings so that you can experience terrific new beginnings.

Heather Leigh

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Writing Whole

It has been said that writing is autobiographic.  While the story may not be obviously a memoir, it is a reflection of where our personality is at the time of the story. When we write, we reveal what we are good at, what comes naturally, and what could be improved on.

When I first started writing, the the compliments showered on my sense of humor, and the critiques wrapped around my lack of grounding--readers did not know where they were.  The stories lacked a base of where the scene was taking place, what time/time period it was, what characters and scenes looked like, and a feel of what was going on. It was as if there was this funny, creative story floating around in the universe; great to watch but no place to put your feet down.

So I set to work learning how to set up a base to make the reader want to stay in the story. While floating in space my be exciting for a while, audiences want to relax and feel comfortable and be a part of what is going on--not scrambling about for a seat. I went into the scene with the reader. What does this place smell, feel, sound and look like? What color is the heroine's t-shirt? What does the clock on the wall read? Are we standing on rock, grass or ocean sand?

As my writing improved by learning how to get it grounded, I became more grounded as a person.  There is a connection. I needed to stop, smell more roses, observe my physical surroundings, notice the color of the sky, keep track of time, balance my checkbook, and change my oil. I was not appreciating the benefits of the everyday mundane stuff that kept me from floating away into the clouds.

The things that I had to learn to be a better writer will not be what everyone needs as we all have a different story to tell, and a different way to make ourselves better.

The reason this blog is posted under spirituality and not my writers blog, is that this is another way to better ourselves.  Write some creative fiction, have it critiqued by several writers (avoid non-writing friends as they will tend to tell you the story is great and have no idea how to critique it), and discover what areas of your life you could work on.  What commonalities are people remarking on?  These will guide you to inner awareness in a neutral territory.  Your friend may not tell you where you are lacking, but your stories will reveal it.

Is your writing pedantic, overly dramatic, full of anger and scorn, silly, scattered? Does it run from details, or tar and feather itself in overblown fears? Does it sound lonely, or lively beyond belief? Is your character hidden and constipated?

You can't hide from your personality in a story. Your insides are thrust open and your vulnerable heart exposed to every reader.  Don't let that scare you from doing this exercise. Spiritual growth is not for the couch potato lounger, but the benefits are worth a story or two.

Heather Leigh

Friday, July 19, 2013

Love, Epiphanies, and Bliss

"Free to Love" is the class I'm taking now, presented by Reverend Dr. Kathy Hearn. As having a loving relationship is a common world wide desire, the chairs filled quickly with eager students. When I walked into the room, it felt like a spiritual singles dating encounter.  I mean, what better place to meet your mate than a class that promised to release a horde of healthy partners into the world? I know in the back of my mind, that desire was certainly present.

All that aside, in the first class I learned some fresh information about relationships, meditated on being open to love, talked about the process of being free to love, set personal intentions for myself, the class, the world, and received information that turned into a learning epiphany for me.

Epiphany: when I love someone unconditionally, I release my attachment to them!

Quick disclaimer, as I am still wrapping my head around what this fully means, I will do my best to explain, but cannot promise guru precision on getting every word correct.

What Reverend Kathy said, was that if there is someone in your life who is in a negative state, it is okay not to hang out with them (my interpretation, she phrased it with much more eloquence). If you want to be of service to the world, and there is someone who is being an obstacle to your obtaining this desire, then stepping away from this person/environment may be the best thing to do.

Wow, this explained so much to me. In wanting to grow spiritually and be a loving person, I struggled with the fact that there are certain people and situations that I just don't want to be around.  I thought that I should be okay with being around anyone.  After all, if my intention is to love all beings, shouldn't I want to be with them, too?

Further, I know that as I grow spiritually, I am able to be around a wider group of people and not be effected by any negative energy they may be giving out.  However, there are still some who I am not ready to be around, especially for a lengthy time.  As the spiritual growth path is an upward spiral, I am getting better at loving unconditionally.

I'm reaching for the nirvana of Jesus' bliss, but have yet to arrive.

Heather Leigh

Monday, July 15, 2013

Money Equals Partner

During the last class I took linking money and spirituality, the instructor, Reverend Kevin, had us do an exercise in which we described our deepest core beliefs about money and/ or how it makes us feel in one or two words. For example: ignore it, fear, overwhelming, passive-aggressive, manipulative, vulnerable, hated, never enough.

 Now, picture money as a person.  This is often how we view our partner.

Oh, wow, now that is an eye opener.

Displaying what came out for me personally is more vulnerable and open than I am willing to do on the inter net.  However, this exercise sure gave me some insight into past relationships. 

Money is about energy flow. A healthy money relationship will help you to have healthier relations with every one around you.  Be willing to go within and explore how you feel about money.   Be candid with yourself. This is an inside job and no one has to know what you come up with.

What views did your parents have about money? How have you behaved with the money in your life? When you think about money, how does your body feel? How does it feel when you feel you are lacking or have a lot? Does your heart race anxiously? 

Are there things you could do right now to improve the relationship? Start a savings account? Spend more on yourself? Balance your checkbook? There are always baby steps to be taken that lead to any kind of self-improvement. And if creating a healthier, more joy-filled, loving relationship with your present or future partner sounds like a good thing to you, then taking the steps toward better money management is well worth the effort.

This week I'll be starting a class on improving relationships from a spiritual viewpoint.  The timing couldn't be better after this last class exercise.

An abundance of healthy free-flowing money and a healthy loving partnership--this is going to be a wonderful summer as a result of two awesome classes. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Universe!

Heather Leigh

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Spiritual Money

Last night I finished a class linking money to spirituality.  We utilized a book called, 'It's Not About The Money' by Brent Kessel. The particulars of the book I will leave for you to learn if you, hopefully, read it--I highly recommend you do.

The leader of the class, Reverend Kevin, had us do a meditation in which we visualized what our lives would be like if we had enough money.  Immediately, I was challenged. Enough...enough? I want more than enough! I cried out inside. Why is he saying only Enough?! I pouted.

After calming down my five-year-old acting ego, I thought, perhaps, this was not a grave, silly oversight of the instructor.  Maybe, just maybe, it was I who needed to question my reaction.  Here's what I came up with:

If I never feel like I have enough money, wouldn't having more than enough present other difficulties? Maybe I would feel guilty of having a surplus when others have so little.  How much time would I have
to spend managing all of this extra money? What should I do with it? Should I create a gigantic Trust Fund for my boys that will turn them into spoiled lazy adults?  Who could I trust to manage this extra money? How much of my time will be taken away from my joy of writing if I spend my day counting coins? My mind rocks with all the questions that arise from all this more than enough stuff.

So I decided to explore the original meditation visualization we had been given.  This way calmed me down.  What if enough included the ability to tithe, save, reach my financial goals, and live the way I've been envisioning.  What if the whole world had enough?

Oh, I get it. I need to adjust what I think of as enough.

Then enough felt comfortable. I felt safe, relaxed, and harmonious.  I was catching a glimpse of The Middle Way (another good subject to blog about!).

So what about that...the whole world having enough of:

  • the basics: food, clothing and shelter
  • time with family and friends
  • creative play time
  • finances
  • career that brought joy
  • ability to meet goals
Huh, enough suddenly sounds close to peace on earth.

Note that the basics vary with each person, country, culture, family.  I see a five bedroom house with an ocean view. You may see a mansion, and someone in an oppressed area may see four walls with indoor plumbing and electricity as their 'enough'.  The world is full of variety and enough is subjective.

And in the end, Love is Enough.

Heather Leigh

Monday, July 8, 2013

Fill Your Emptiness

While visiting my Akashic Records this morning, I was given a vision of emptiness.

There are ten goals that I have been envisioning, and being in a state of thankfulness with, for the past year. Today, I asked for guidance on manifesting these goals.

I was shown an escalator which brought me upward to a platform that led to a great black nothingness. What is this? I questioned. It came to me that my future/present is an empty void that I supply with my thoughts to bring into physical reality. I can fill it with whatever I choose.

So I put into this void a beautiful house in the perfect area, filled with all of the things and people that bring me joy.  Suddenly, the house appeared in sharp clarity. I walked into my house and was surrounded in love and joy. A joy that I had created.

My job now is to hold onto this vision and believe in its reality, stay focused, keep the faith, send out love and kindness, and be thankful for all that I have.

What will you fill your void with?

Heather Leigh