Monday, February 28, 2011

Relaxation Language

Relaxing is like learning a new language.  When I massage a tense person, if I just say 'relax', it may sound like I am speaking Sanskrit or Mandarin Chinese. Unless you are fluent in these languages, you won't 'know' what is being said.

Teach your body the language of relaxation by immersing yourself in it--just like learning a foreign language.  When you are relaxed in a warm bath, during a massage, or in the moments before you wake, take note of how you feel.  Learn from the experience. Then throughout your day, take three breaths, and recall how you felt during your relax moment.

The more often you immerse yourself in the foreign language of relaxation, the easier it will be to bring it into your life.

It is when we are relaxed that we can hear the Universe guiding us.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Outside Meditation

Meditation can be started from the outside.  Begin in the usual way, sitting comfortably in a quiet place.  Then, listen to every sound around you.

From where I am, I can hear water pouring into the fish tank from the filter, my dog snoring, the neighbors speaking loudly, a car engine, my son playing outside, and footsteps on the outside stairwell.

Spend some time listening to everything.  Do not analyze what you hear.  As you are listening to outside sounds, you are not hearing your mind's monologue.

When you feel ready, shift your attention to the sound of your breath.  Keep your focus on the breath within.

Now you are meditating.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Handwriting Your Spirit

Handwriting analysis can be used to learn more about your personality and to change it.  By altering how you write, you can alter your personality.

On a spiritual note, when you cross your 't', put the horizontal line at the top.  This can bring up your self esteem to be more open to listening to your inner wisdom.  Also, when writing the 't' in cursive, make the vertical line one line--not an open loop. This allows you to be less effected by criticism.

Keep your writing easy to read to enhance your communication on all levels--stay away from the 'doctor' writing style.

Be sure to have a strong, tall, and straight capital 'I' to ensure you have a strong sense of self.

Have fun writing the personality you want to have.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Falling Off the Spiritual Wagon?

Feeling down, out and blue?  Forgetting the way to your spiritual path? Flailing in the pits? Then try this simple technique to get you back on track...say thank you.

Say thank you for sidewalks, streets, and spell chek. Keyboards instead of typewriters are a blessing.  You don't have to eat gruel every day.  Grocery stores stock more variety of veggies than you will ever eat. Dogs and cats have fur to pet. Our air is still breathable and the water drinkable. Have someone who likes you? Wow, you have alot to be thankful for.

Say thank you for every little mundane and ordinary thing you see.  On a really sucky day, this could be a challenge, so keep it simple.

Being thankful will crack open the door back into your spiritual, loving self.

Thank you for reading this.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Spiritual Posture

Our can posture reveal where we are on our spiritual journey.

If the head juts forward, in front of the heart, this can mean that the mind is given more attention than the heart.  When the shoulders hunch forward, the person may be looking to protect the heart.

Feel like there is a string tied to the top of your head.  A balloon is gently lifting the top of your head upwards, allowing your body to align itself naturally.  Your feet are securely on the ground.

A wonderful mantra to chant while walking and to help your body align is:
Open your heart to God
Lift your crown to Heaven


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What Next?

As you release old ways of thinking and behaving, you may start to wonder: what do I do now?  If I am no longer gossiping, complaining, and nagging, what do I do with my time?


As the old stuff is released, there is more room for creativity and fun and joy.

At dinner last night, rather than nagging my son about eating his carrots, we made shapes out of a pile of quarters.  Rather than complaining about a difficult co-worker, we played a silly game he had invented.  Rather than gossiping about our neighbors, we took the dog for a walk and howled at the moon.

Life is much more fun without the negative stuff.  Trust me, you'll find this to be true.

Oh, and he did eat his carrots.  He followed the rule of no desert until veggies are eaten.  But he did it with out me nagging.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Turquoise for the Throat

Want to be more clear in your communication?  Love the beauty of turquoise stones? Then wear a turquoise necklace that lies close to your throat.

Turquoise is similar in color to your throat chakra.  Keeping the stone close to where your speech begins will help to keep this chakra open.

After learning this simple technique years ago, I am amazed at how many people I see who instinctively wear turquoise necklaces.  We often do things by instinct that help us, without ever knowing the full impact of our actions.

So wear your turquoise necklace and Speak Up!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Body Memories

Our bodies store memories of past events.  There are points on our bodies, often muscular, that retain strong emotions.

As a massage therapist, I have 'seen' numerous past events in people's lives when pressing on the body.   For example, while doing deep tissue massage on a client's back, near his scapula, I saw him being physically abused by his father as a teenager. Later discussion let me know that this had indeed occurred.

These body memories often cause physical pain, stiff muscles, and disease.

Three suggestions for working through these body memories is stretching, massage, and yoga.

If you feel an emotional release using the above suggestions, be sure to acknowledge the emotion.  Accept it.  Often we are told to just let it go, but I have found that people often develop shoulder pain from attempting to 'throw away' the emotion.

Again, when you feel the release, stay with it, accept it, and love it.  The memory will release on it's own.

P.S. This is not an overnight process.  Be gentle with yourself as you slowly allow your body to release it's 'stuff' at it's own pace.

God Bless