Sunday, October 30, 2016

Enlightened Bowls

Affirmations work. When we state what we want, believe it to be true, and expect results, it will happen. The Law of Attraction is every bit as real as the Law of Gravity.

However, what I have found is that the positive thing that you were wanting comes attached to something that you don't want.

For example: For months I did affirmations for a five bedroom house in a great neighborhood. Through a series of events, I met with a man who could have been my husband, had we followed through with what was started over twenty years ago. He owns a five bedroom house in a great neighborhood. BUT it is in a city that I don't want to live in. BUT my boys would have been moved away from their friends and school. BUT the man was not in a time in his life that he would have welcomed more kids moving in with him.

YES, the affirmation came true. BUT, it did not work for us.

The reason is that I would have been at the same frequency. I would be put in a situation feeling not quite happy or content with the change.

Another example is the affirmation for more money. Receiving more money generally comes with receiving more things to pay for. Like an unexpected check in the mail for five hundred dollars, followed with the need for the same amount in car repairs.

The focus needs to be on enlightenment and love and awareness.

Please note that I have yet to experience full enlightenment in this earth life time. It is my goal; my work-in-progress. I will be sharing what has been downloaded to me through meditation and readings from those people more enlightened that I.

Enlightenment is exposing the light that is already in you. Through years of meditation, I have been experiencing more and more light moments. My eyes will be shut so all is black. Then I will have glimpses of light on either side of my head, from the inside.

It's really cool.

In order for me to have come to see this inner light, I have been practicing meditation on a daily basis for over ten years. I vary from fifteen minutes to two hours.

As you become more enlightened, your bowls will naturally be filled with abundance. No Shadows haunt total enlightenment. The sun carries no shadow.

God is love,
Spiritual Lynx