Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Bible In Four Sentences

For a while now, I have been wanting to learn more about the bible from a New Age, spiritual perspective. Tonight I got my chance.

Steve Cooper gave a lecture tonight in which he explained the bible in four sentences. As I was not taking notes, this will have go from memory:

1. The Garden of Eden is Paradise, innocence, creation.
2. As God is everything, the eating of the apple is about the fall of God.
3. The resurrection is our rebirth.
4. Armageddon is the death of the ego.

Okay, so now I don't have to read the Bible.

Actually, funny as it may sound for a spiritual New Age person as I am, I have had a desire lately to read it. But, I want to read a version that is as close to the original writings as I can get. Who do I ask about this? Any takers?

Now, back to the lecture. In listening to what Steve Cooper had to say--and the man is brilliant by the way--I was struck with two things: 1. the complete realization that I know less than I thought I did about anything and 2. I want to know more.

Starting with: why the fall of God? I mean, if God all ready had all the knowledge, what is the purpose of him/her 'falling'?  Was he/she bored and wanting something to do to fill the time?  Are we here in his/her image as some elaborate game? Are our spirit selves hovering above us watching us play at this earth game, eating popcorn and enjoying our struggles as live theater? The ultimate reality show?

So far, no questions about the resurrection stuff. I'm sure I'll think of something to confuse myself with in the future, though.

The death of the ego as Armageddon, that is a good one. It makes sense. As the ego is about fear, it will be all about being scared of this day and fill our hearts with dread about what is to come. It does not want to die. It will go out kicking and screaming in the ultimate world wide temper tantrum.

Next question: is Armageddon something that we are all going through in stages or will it hit in one big swoop on 'Judgement Day'.

Okay, now that one I have been working with for awhile, in my mind and through meditations and spiritual guide downloads.  Worldwide, we are all going through spiritual growth and ego deaths, individually and as countries against one another. At this time in history, fear is more intense, there are more people, and there are more weapons than ever before. Also, social media allows us to see what is going on in every country with out governmental filters.  And as there is more violence, there is also more peace than ever before. The dichotomy of love and fear is pronounced and explosive.

The more there are of people who are choosing love over fear, and are awakening to our connection to everything on the planet, the less violent Armageddon will be.  More love equals less violence.  Just a simple math problem.

In reading over what I have written, I bring up mucho questions and few answers. An unrequited love. But it's where I am at, so at least it is genuine.

That's all I understand about this bible end of the world as we know it stuff that I have for now.  If anyone has any more knowledge, please share.

Heather Leigh

Friday, April 25, 2014

State of Gratefulness

When I asked my guides from the Akashic Records how I will benefit from being thankful I am being told that the Universe knows what things on earth will make me even more thankful to be here. The Universe knows this better than I do. When I try to direct and force my life, then I am using my brain which is limited. The brain is a great tool for utilizing the knowledge of the world, but it is limited by it's own perspective and what it has already done.

The Universe knows everything, and everything about me. Including my desires and what will bring about more joy for me and all of those connected to me.

So in staying in a state of thankfulness, I am bringing on the vibration that tunes me into what the Universe can bring to me that I will automatically, inherently be deeply thankful for because it will be the things that I really want but have all of these issues with feeling deserving and wondering how what I want could possibly be brought about. I don't know how these things will be brought out. And I don't need to know. All I have to do is stay in the vibration of thankfulness.

Then, from that state, I can sit back and watch the show. Like my own personal reality show, discovering and watching how The Universe miraculously brings about things that I will be thankful for. I can laugh with giddiness as the Universe uncovers a plate of the most delicious things that I have ever tasted that I never even knew I would enjoy.  My own personal smorgasbord of yummies by my own chef who know my tastes better than I do. An expert in my taste buds.

Another factor to this, and this is a biggie, is that I have to have faith that what I am being presented with is perfect for me. That the Universe is working in my favor. That it is taking the time to add the right spices and herbs to make me the ultimate in delicious meals for my palate.

Also, in preparing foods, sometimes there will be things given to me that I need to try that are preparing me for the main course.  Maybe a sip of bitters to cleanse my mouth for the wine that is coming. I have to trust that it is all for the ultimate good of me.

Which feeds into the subject of being worthy.  Why would the Universe go to so much trouble to make me happy? Me? Little insignificant Heather Leigh. There are much bigger needs pressing on the planet. People who are deserving more than I. Hmmm.

Seems to me it must be something to do with unconditional love.

Which makes me want to give back to the Universe by being the best possible vessel of love for God to use. Maybe this whole process is a win-win for everything and everyone on the planet. Well, I am going to make the hugest effort of my life to be in and stay in a state of thankfulness. I am excited to be a part of the results and to see what happens.

Heather Leigh

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Walking the Labyrinth

Tonight I went on my first spiritual labyrinth walk. It was held at a cathedral downtown in their Great Hall. I must admit that my expectations were low as it is just a circular labyrinth painted on the floor.  Tea candles surrounded the circle at regular intervals. On a table by the door were plastic-coated blue cards with a white outline of an angel on the back of each one.

Arriving on time, there was only one other person in the room. After introducing ourselves, we found that neither of us had ever been on an L walk and didn't know what to do but wonder if we had come on the wrong night.  As the common theme in any big city, we blamed traffic for the lateness of other people and assumed we were at the right place at the right time.

The leader of the walk bounced in with a cheerful yet calm disposition and soon had us lighting the candles. As her lighters barely worked, and my book of matches lit one candle per match, our journey began before entering the L--taking the time to slowly ready ourselves for a journey.

We were encouraged to pick a card from the table, and then one of the books that went with the cards. The card that my hands were led to revealed the word JOY with a beautiful flower as a background. That seemed like a positive sign from the Universe. And after looking up Joy in the accompanying book, I found that I was correct! It stated that I was entering a time of great inner joy in my life--burdens are lifting. Yey!

After reading about my spiritual message from the Universe, I ventured forth on to the labyrinth. The leader had ensured us that however we traveled through the walk was the perfect way for us.  There was no wrong way.

I can't say that in viewing the labyrinth from the outside that I was entirely skeptical, but I was not overly impressed. I mean, really, it was just a big black outline of a circle with an entrance, a long winding maze to the center, and then turn around and come back. The only thing that looked half-way promising as far as inspiration goes was the center with a few pillows for sitting in meditation. Ho hum.

But, always game for the spiritual adventure, I took my place at the entrance.

Okay, now, it was weird and funny to me because as soon as I entered I felt joy and peace and love. I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time from happiness. Weird, right? I mean, it's just a maze. So, I kept walking and started to receive all these messages from my spiritual guides. It was all about loving others.

Then this mantra came into my head that was going before I realized that I was thinking it: I am joy. Oh, yea, now that is a good mantra.

It must have taken me about 15 minutes to slowly walk barefooted along the thin, methodically winding path that eventually brought me to the center. The entire way, I was downloading beautiful, loving messages about peace, love, abundance, joy, and happiness.  And this may sound silly, but my white feet looked so pretty taking each step in front of me.

In the middle of the labyrinth, I stopped to meditate. Now that I think about it, it must have been a great meditation, because I have no recollection of any thoughts when I was there. Funny how meditation is considered successful when there is no thinking involved.

After the mindless meditation, I left the center and retraced my steps. Few thoughts ran through my head on the way out.  This was a time of absorbing what I had heard on the way in.

Leaving the labyrinth, I took the time to bow with palms pressed together and offer my Namaste to the experience. The energy that was held within that silly painted circle on the ground was a blessing to be thankful for.

Also to thank was the leader. I gave her my thanks on the way out and was invited to come again next month. Every time I can, I told her.

What a wonderful thing to be able to guide people on. I am so thankful that I did not listen to my pre-judgement of the simple circle painted on the hall floor of an old church.  The journey may have appeared simple from the outside, but once in, the beautiful profundity was immediately apparent.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Universe, for another great peaceful adventure!

Heather Leigh

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Why An Angel Visit?

Last night an angel came into my room and I don't know why.  It filled the ceiling and was just like what I've seen in books and movies. It was all white, whiter than the white in normal fabrics, with a long flowing gown, wings and a golden hand held harp. The harp surprised me as I thought that was something from the movies also.

I asked why it had come and received no reply. Having just completed a nightly prayer of support for my aunt Judy, I thought perhaps the angel had come to tell me something of her health.  But there was no answer--at least none that I could understand.

Whether the angel is male or female in not applicable because there was no sexual identity.  Calling an angel 'it' seems demeaning, but I have no better pronoun.

The angel hovered above my bed and stayed there. In seeing such otherworldly entities, the seeing (for me) is not from the eyes that show me this computer screen. Perhaps if I were a painter, I could illustrate better what I saw.  Entities that lived on the earth I can see as they were in human form. But things of the spirit world I see with what is described as the third eye. At least that is what I believe it is. How do I know how I see something that is not seen by others? Things that I do not understand myself? It is like describing colors to a person who has been blind from birth.

Mostly what I felt was curiosity as to why the angel had come. When doing massage, or energy work, the entities that I have seen had a purpose in coming that I understood. Like a loved one who has passed on and come back to send a message of comfort. Or a negative manifestation that is leaving a body. I've seen people with what I call 'transition angels' standing behind them when they are going through major changes in life. But I don't know that these are actual angels--could be a spirit guide.

Once I saw what I thought was an angel when awakening from sleep.  That time between sleep and wakefulness when we sometimes catch a glimpse of an entity, or hear them talking. Now I question myself as to whether or not she was an actual angel. She was flying away from my body on my left side. Her gown held every color in a pattern similar to mermaid scales. The hair was long and flowing but try as I might I can't remember the color. The glimpse of her was fleeting. As soon as my mind awakened my vision of her disappeared.

This angel was different from all that I had experienced. I am also surprised to find that it looked so much like the typical angel that one might find on top of a Christmas tree. And it was so big. It covered the entire ceiling, which is about fifteen feet long.

The things I know about angels is that they have never experienced their own lifetime on earth, that they can not help you until you ask for help, and that each person has one or two that watch over them throughout their time on earth. This is not much to go on.  But maybe that is all that we need to know.

Last night an angel came into my room and I don't know why. What I know is that today I feel peaceful.  Perhaps that is enough.

Heather Leigh