Thursday, March 31, 2011

Relaxation Today

"I have decided that today is the day that I am leaving behind my stress," the massage client told me.  And she did.

She received a massage, a facial and a body scrub; played in the tide pools with her daughter; went to a wild animal preserve; received another massage the next day.  By the end of her vacation, she told me it had worked, she was relaxed.

You do not have to do everything that she did to relax.  Many people I've worked with have done similar things but still come out complaining. 

The trick was that she decided, firmly, that she was going to leave behind her stress.

Decide what you want today.  Stress relief is a good one, I prefer to ask for happiness.  Know with all your heart that it has happened.  And get ready for some fabulous results.

Heather Leigh

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I tried acupuncture today! It was intense; filled with emotion, discomfort, lines of energy zipping through my body, and deeply relaxing.  Way more of everything than I thought it might be.

The acupuncturist was an older Chinese woman with a strong accent and playful eyes--the epitome of acupuncturist archetype. She felt my wrists and I felt a line of energy surging out my ring fingers, up my arm and down my legs.

Next, she gave me an evaluation of where my organ weakness and muscle tightness were coming from--all accurate.  It was about childhood stuff I had yet to fully recognize.

Lying on a massage table face down, she stuck me with a few thin needles in my neck, legs and arms. As I lay there for about half an hour, past emotions showed up.  In being able to feel and acknowledge them, the emotions were released.  I felt peace.

Afterwards, as she knew that I, too, was gifted in seeing within others, she asked me what I saw in her.  I looked for a few moments and then saw a little girl; she was endearing and sweet.  It was an honor to be asked by her.

Acupuncture is a moving experience that I recommend.

Heather Leigh

Monday, March 28, 2011

Conversation Clarity

Speaking clearly in potentially hazardous conversation can keep you at peace.

If you are talking with someone and feel that it is becoming heated, let them know that you want to stay away from confrontation.

If you are feeling defensive, or the other person is, try looking at the situation from their side.  Putting yourself in their shoes is a time tested tactic that works.

If you or other the person is not ready to calm down, leave.  You can continue the subject when you are both ready.

The most efficient way to be able to do all of this is to stay present in the moment.  Watch yourself as if you were outside looking in.  Ask yourself, what might be a creative kind way to ease this situation.

Peace is an organic movement.  Let it come to every conversation.

Heather Leigh

Friday, March 25, 2011


Intuitive Consultants, or psychics, are able to tell you where you are heading in life. They are looking at the path that you are on, and seeing where it is leading.

But you can change your path.  You don't have to stick to the one you are on.

If you go to see an intuitive consultant, and they tell you that your future holds something you don't want, change your path.  Change whatever it is that is leading you to the undesired event.

There is no such thing as destiny, pre-ordained in Heaven, or 'it was meant to be'.  This is your life. You have the power within you to program your future.

Heather Leigh

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Visualize Your Life

Visualizing is about seeing the life of your dreams and then moving toward it. As this will bring you greater happiness, it is another way to connect with God: the ultimate cheerleader for our happiness.

You can quicken the process by simultaneously feeling joy and 'seeing' where you want to be.  While you are meditating, picture a scene that makes you feel happy. As you are feeling this joyful emotion, bring in a visualization/picture of your dream life. Let the Universe clearly know that being in this dream situation will bring you even greater happiness.

Ask your angels for clear signs of what you can be doing to bring about your dream life. Pay attention. Their signs my be subtle or quiet, but they will come.

Keep your dream believable. If you ask to be President of the U.S. but you were not born there, you are not going to believe that this could be a reality.  Dream big, but be sure that you can keep the faith that it will happen.

See your dreams, take the steps towards them, and stay in faith.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Positive Visioning

Visioning, created by Dr. Michael Beckwith, is when you ask Spirit what you can do to be more in line with a higher path.

The first time I tried out this visioning thing through meditation, I was scared. What if Spirit/God/Goddess/The Great Spirit/The Universe told me to sell all of my belongings, shave my head, move to India, and give everything I have to the poor.  EEEKKK!!!! 

Then I remembered that I am connected to God and God already knows what I want.  If doing the above things would not make me happy, then the Universe would not be a happier place.

What makes me happy is being with my children, having a flexible schedule, financial prosperity, helping others, loving animals and writing. Being able to do things that make me happy puts me in line with a higher path. Visioning helps me see what I can do to be even happier.

The ultimate in a positive Catch-22.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Asking Thru Prayer

Matthew 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Prayer is asking God for what we want.

The biggie here is that you have to BELIEVE that you going to receive.  How many of us jokingly say we will win the lottery but never do.  We don't win because we don't really believe that we are going to win.

When asking for what you want, it helps to start small. Ask for something that you believe you could get. Then, do something.  Show God that you believe that you will receive by moving in the direction of your dream.

For instance, if you want a new car, make the space for it in your garage. Visit the dealerships and view the latest styles. Go test drive a few models. Buy new driving gloves. Know it is going to happen.

Asking is not limited to physical items.  You can ask for strength during rough times, wisdom when presented with difficult choices, or comfort in times of stress.

Know that it is okay to ask.  You are a child of God.  You deserve goodness.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Meditation 101

Meditation is simply being with God.  It neither asks for or expects anything. Dramas, emotional roller coasters, hazardous reactions, and disconnections are gone. It is a time to be aware of your connection to God. gives so much.

By simply being with God, you are open to seeing every situation as it is.  Then, you can respond with clarity and peace.

It is 'addicting', too. As you progress in the length of time that you are meditating, you can experience a bliss that feels really good inside!

If you have questions about your life, God needs your mind to be quiet so that you can hear Him/Her. Meditation quiets the mind so that your heart can hear the answers.

As we realize our connection to God, we realize our connection to everything, as God is Everything. If we are all connected, then hurting my neighbor, animals, the environment, the earth, must hurt me.  Since I want to be kind to myself, I have to be kind to everything else.  Do you get how this could lead to World Peace if everyone were meditating?

It might be a jump for many to see that God is everything. For those of you who are uncertain about it, I suggest you meditate on it for awhile.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Vocabulary of Connections

There are four main ways in which we connect with God: prayer, meditation, envisioning, and visioning.

In prayer, we're asking God for something. Meditation is being with God. When we send a visual message of how we want our lives to be, we are envisioning. Asking God what we can do is called visioning.

A further description of the four connections will be coming soon!

BTW, God/Goddess/The Universe/The Great Spirit all mean Love.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Two Choices

We have two choices on spiritual growth. There is the old way in which we play the blame game, remain a victim, over-indulge in tears, hold grudges, and feed our anger.

Or, we can grow through acceptance of our present condition, listen to our small still inner voice, deepen our understanding of others, forgive, love, and recognize our connection to all there is.

The latter choice sounds way more fun to me.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Beauty Flows

See yourself as beautiful and let that knowledge flow outward. Start with your body, clothing and personal style.  Move on to your home, workplace and car.  Let the food you intake be a part of nature's beauty--healthy, tasty, and organic. Let beauty flow around your life.

The Universe sees you as beautiful.  Now see it in yourself.
