Tuesday, December 27, 2016

2017, Acceptance Faith Recognition

In 2017: Accept where we are, have faith in love over-riding greed, recognize that all U.S citizens share commonalities. Trump gained his presidency by exploiting fear. Now is the time for us to latch on and embrace all of the positive, spiritual lessons we have mastered.

The new year will bring harsh times. A president who denies Climate Change and scoffs at the EPA, foretells doom for our already troubled earth. Business and development are his priorities, not the lives of U.S. citizens. The shadow of his ego is on the horizon.

However, this does not mean that we need to roll over and play opossum dead for the next four years. Acceptance does not translate to do nothing. It means that we accept where we are at, and then move forward from that spot.

From the immense and quickly obtained following that Bernie Sanders gained, we learned that more people want love, support and care for others than those who cherish greed. The scale has tipped in our favor. It was the outdated bureaucratic systems, and ego, that managed to gain the upper hand. But that is a temporary thing. Have faith that the energy of more people filled with positive thoughts will prevail over fear and ignorance.

Most Trump supporters are not racist, sexist bigots. They simply want a better life for themselves and their families. What we need is to not make this an us versus them thing. Rather, we need to find our common ground of what we most desire and deserve: Love, laughter, support, respect, and the pursuit of happiness. Basics of food, clothing, shelter. A good quality of life. Safety.

Recognize in your heart that we are all in this together.

What we can do on our spiritual path:

In your daily meditations, send out love to the environment, refugees, homeless people, abused animals--anyone and everything that needs your love. Imagine the love within you overflowing out of your heart. Picture it flowing to your immediate surroundings. Then allow it to grow. From your room, to your house, neighborhood, city, state, country and then the world. This takes time, so allow for the space to be able to practice this World Love meditation.

Don't scoff away loving meditations as doing nothing. Your thoughts are more powerful than you think. Daily, focused love energy uplifts us all.

2017 is bringing more people than ever before into an Aware, Awake, Alive humanity. Positive changes are brewing from our hearts, thoughts and actions. Life is still wonderful.

Love and Light have no rival. They are the core of our being. Our true reality.

And so it is,
Spiritual Lynx

Monday, December 12, 2016

Debts Forgiven

A friend yesterday explained to me the origin of the word forgive. It started with the banks. When a client owed money and was near death, the bank would forgive the loan. The reasoning was that the efforts to collect money from the debtor was not worth it. Forgiven.

Webster Dictionary:
debt 1. something that is owed or that one is bound to pay to or perform for another. 2. a liability or obligation to pay or render something. 3. a sin, trespass.

In the Lord's Prayer, we ask:
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

We need to let go of our desire to hold on to what we feel that other's owe to us. Cut those strings of what we should be getting. It's not worth the effort. Likewise, we should not feel obligated to perform to the expectations of others.

When someone says or does something that offends me, I can hold a grudge, seek revenge, scream in rage. These are all reactions; ways of holding on to the trespasses. They feel icky, yucky, and weighted down with nastiness. The outcome will most likely spiral into more confrontation, negative energy, and a tie to the person in an unhealthy, energetic link.

Like Charlie Brown telling Lucy that she's wrong. She'll scream 'Block Head' in his face so hard, he'll be flipped backwards.

Healthy responses to offense include talking, walking away from a confrontational person, and sending positive energy out to the offender.

What is taken as a personal attack could be a big, giant, silly misunderstanding. Rather than getting upset, and stomping myself into a two-year old temper tantrum, I can ask the person what they meant. Because I may have taken offense to something that was not intended to be offensive. Explanations of how I perceived the words, mixed with clarification from the other person can save loads of grief. Block Head Bricks of grief.

If the offender had meant to offend, and is being unreasonable, then it may be a time for you to remove yourself from the situation. Make like a banana and split. Sticking around to make him behave in a way that you want, is holding on to a trespass.

Sending positive energy to a negative situation or person can be difficult, but do-able. The first time I did this, I was blown away at the results.

 I was arguing with someone. Then stopped, took a breath, and sent energy from my heart. The other person, unaware of what I was doing, changed. He jerked backwards a tiny bit, and stopped talking. Then, like a ray of sunlight bursting out during a hardcore winter snowstorm, our attitudes changed. We talked like our age, not our shoe size (as Prince the singer would say).

Forgiveness is not to be something we dangle over ourselves or others as a 'feel-good' emotional drama. But rather, a simple way of letting go of what does not serve us.

Because those debts get awfully heavy to hang onto.

Spiritual Lynx

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Travel Within For Help

Trusting in Trump is like trusting that an abusive husband really has 'changed his ways' because he says so. When he takes over, he will tell people whatever it takes to keep down protests and win his favor. Then, once all is back to quiet contentment, the changes that have the possibility of bringing down our nation in economic and environmental issues will creep forth.

But I am not here to predict our gloom. What I want to say is that the changes that are needed to ensure abundance for all, will come from individuals, and groups of positive people. It will be from the ground up that life will continue.

We don't all have to strap ourselves to redwood trees and oil rigs; although this will be needed at certain times. What we can do as individuals is whatever we can to bring awareness, light and love to ourselves first, and then let it shine to those around us.

Every morning, my email is filled with requests from agencies asking for money to protect the environment, animals, and human rights. But trying to save each one is like fighting a wildfire with a single extinguisher at the edge of the fire. There are too many 'herpes sores' to heal with one container of balm; too many human made boo-boos for one box of bandages.

The root of the problem is the disconnection of humans from one another, the earth, and animals. Too many people don't get that we are all connected. If I had a child who was stolen away from me, and then discovered him sewing a new blouse in a sweat shop, would I buy the blouse? Of course not.

In writing that, I recognize that I contribute to child exploitation. I drive my car and contribute to Climate Change. I eat eggs and am a part of a system that destroys male chickens.

Beyond trying to reduce my carbon imprint, what can I do? What can we do? Honestly, I don't really know. My gut tells me to support anything that will bring awareness to as many individuals as I can; through the gifts that I have been given. These include being an empath, a mother, and a writer.

I help individuals by 'seeing' their blocked energy and being a facilitator to open pathways for release. Becoming the best mother possible through parenting classes, reading child-rearing books, and learning to listen to my boys rather than react. All this and more I did in the desire to raise two individuals who would live positive lives. As a writer, I ask myself if what I am presenting has an embedded message of something good. Could be laughter, how to access higher spiritual paths, or help children discover their own powers of strength.

My best advice to you is to look within and ask what you can offer to the world that will bring us to our highest good. Set as a goal the advancement of people to a higher spiritual level. One in which we all recognize that there is no us and them, that hurting the earth only hurts us. And that on an economic level, gaining quick profits destroys the economy in the long-run.

Go within, ask for the best possible way for you to help the world, and then do it.

Spiritual Lynx

Monday, November 7, 2016

Centers and the Past

Having attended Spiritual Center Churches for years and enjoying them, I had been feeling the desire to try something different. What I was hearing from the minister were lectures that I already felt I knew. They were still beneficial for several reasons:
1. Even if I had learned what was said previously, reminders keep me in check.
2. It is wonderful to hear the same concepts from different viewpoints--keeps the mind active.
3. The energy of so many like-minded people all in one place is empowering.
4. Activities and friendships and good feelings abound in Spiritual Centers.

By the way, most Spiritual Centers fall under: Religious Science, Science of Mind, Unity, Unitarian Universalists, and Spiritualists.

I highly recommend trying one or all of the above. You are guaranteed to meet some friendly, open-minded, loving people.

Again, I was ready for a change. At a recent Street Fair, the Friends, or Quakers, had a booth dedicated to informing people about two Propositions up regarding the Death Penalty, and educate people about their church. I decided to take the plunge and go for it.

There is no leader at their weekly meetings. Participants sit in a circle and meditate. If someone feels so inclined, they may stand up and divulge what they may have heard in their meditation. Generally, this is one or two people, and not something you would do right away.

The impact of gathered energy all open to receiving messages from an inner voice is deep. I was able to focus so well, that I went to a past life. This was one I had visited on previous occasions, but this time was different.

Here is the story of what I had seen before:
I was about ten years old living in an ancient Asian country with the name of Xuan. My father had huge gambling debts and had sold me into slavery to pay them off. A wagon with a bamboo cage came and took me away from my family. My mother was screaming in grief as I was carried away. My father stood back and watched helplessly.

From this past life, I made the decision to choose the parents that I have in this lifetime. A father with addiction issues who did not fulfill his father role. A mother I was never close to, so that I would not feel the grief that I had felt in the Asian life time.

This past life knowledge gave me the ability to understand the parents of today were fulfilling roles for me ( and I assume I was doing the same for them). It gave me a stronger platform to work on being a forgiving, loving person. But still, I struggled.

At the Friend's meditation this week, I returned to that past life. This time I came to a scene in which I had already been taken away. My father was crouched inside our hut, utterly depressed about what he had done. Having had no idea that he was sorry for his mistakes, and missed me, made it easier to forgive him. Somehow, through time and space, he felt my presence. I sent my love. I can clearly see his face light up in joy.

Soon we were surrounded by friends and family. I don't know how, but they too saw me. With both parents loving me and holding me, I felt a long sought for sense of peace.

So I hope from this blog post you can have learned of two things: The option of Spiritual Centers and their worth. How huge of an impact past life knowledge can assist you on your spiritual path.

God is love.
Spiritual Lynx

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Enlightened Bowls

Affirmations work. When we state what we want, believe it to be true, and expect results, it will happen. The Law of Attraction is every bit as real as the Law of Gravity.

However, what I have found is that the positive thing that you were wanting comes attached to something that you don't want.

For example: For months I did affirmations for a five bedroom house in a great neighborhood. Through a series of events, I met with a man who could have been my husband, had we followed through with what was started over twenty years ago. He owns a five bedroom house in a great neighborhood. BUT it is in a city that I don't want to live in. BUT my boys would have been moved away from their friends and school. BUT the man was not in a time in his life that he would have welcomed more kids moving in with him.

YES, the affirmation came true. BUT, it did not work for us.

The reason is that I would have been at the same frequency. I would be put in a situation feeling not quite happy or content with the change.

Another example is the affirmation for more money. Receiving more money generally comes with receiving more things to pay for. Like an unexpected check in the mail for five hundred dollars, followed with the need for the same amount in car repairs.

The focus needs to be on enlightenment and love and awareness.

Please note that I have yet to experience full enlightenment in this earth life time. It is my goal; my work-in-progress. I will be sharing what has been downloaded to me through meditation and readings from those people more enlightened that I.

Enlightenment is exposing the light that is already in you. Through years of meditation, I have been experiencing more and more light moments. My eyes will be shut so all is black. Then I will have glimpses of light on either side of my head, from the inside.

It's really cool.

In order for me to have come to see this inner light, I have been practicing meditation on a daily basis for over ten years. I vary from fifteen minutes to two hours.

As you become more enlightened, your bowls will naturally be filled with abundance. No Shadows haunt total enlightenment. The sun carries no shadow.

God is love,
Spiritual Lynx

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Political Shadows

Recently, I watched a video in which Dr. Deepak Chopra explained the popularity of Donald Trump via our Shadow side. For those not familiar with the term, it is our Dark Side. The side of Darth Vader, Voldemort, and Jabba the Hut.

On the masculine, it is our primitive depths of fear and anger. It is our ego, shouting at us from within that there is much to be afraid of in this world. That anger is the appropriate action to take. The Shadow side thrives on keeping 'us' away from 'them'. It promotes reaction over response.

What has happened over the years is that we have been suppressing our shadow. We give it cookie crumbs and keep it locked in our inner dungeons. But shadows get longer with suppression. The only way to release fears is to admit that they exist, and then show them compassion, love and light.

The best example that I can give right now is the new topic of allowing transgenders to use the male or female restroom that they choose, versus the one that matches their gender. When I heard about this, my initial fear was of the ways that it could be distorted by creeps. Men posing as women could feign being a transgender and gain access to the Women's Room. He could peek through slots of the bathroom cubicles and spy on women. And, what about the gym locker room? Women walking around naked.

But if I bring up my concerns, I fear being labeled as anti-transgender. But I believe that the true way to get through this new concept is through open dialogue. Shedding light on the subject. Acknowledging that people have valid fears.

What tends to happen in the U.S. is that issues are seen in black and white. For or against. Us versus them. This attitude suppresses fears and feeds the Shadow.

The grown-up way is to listen to both sides. Shed light on the subject. Only from there can compromises, trust, respect, and changes conducive to both sides be found.

Now, going back to Trump. He is feeding off our fears of ISIS, Syrian refugees, muslim extremists, etc. But feeding into our fears does not make the fears diminish, it makes them stronger. There are always things to fear in this world.

While Trump is the masculine side of the Shadow, it is my belief that Hillary Clinton is the feminine side. What I see in her is manipulation, deceptions, corruption, schemes and plotting. Think of the Emperor, Palpatine, from Star Wars. The face he originally shows to the Republic is one of a wise governor, out to help the people. But over time, we discover that he is not as he seems.

What is tricky about the female side of the Shadow, is that it is so good at hiding it's true nature. It is the ultimate chameleon of humanity.

The feeding of this side of the Shadow is brought about by not questioning the actions of those in authority. By accepting whatever information is given to us. It's easier that way. Life is very comfortable for people in the U.S. Well, at least it is for the white middle-class. Why rock the boat by investigating beyond FOX news? But ignoring bad behavior in children and politicians does not alter it. Only allows it to get worse.

What fear and ignorance, Shadow suppression, and staying in our comfort zone has brought us is two presidential nominees that could both be disastrous for our country and ultimately the world.

My personal choice is to vote for Jill Stein. I bring this up not as a way to promote her campaign, but rather to encourage you to vote for whom you believe will bring us closer to having a nation that you want to live in. Investigate your inner shadows. Why are you supporting a particular candidate? Pour light into your judgement.

Vote and live from a place within that recognizes that you have Shadows. With the exception of a dozen or so people, we all do. The recognition of your shadow is where you can start examining it.

After the recognition, the best way that I can tell you to dispel the Shadow is through light. I do this through daily meditation. This extends to my being better at responding and living in the moment through out the day.

Best wishes on lightening your Shadow. No more suppressing!

Heather Leigh