Monday, April 25, 2011

Ego Explained

Ego distracts us from hearing the small inner voice that is sending messages leading us to the happiness we seek.  Complaining, gossiping, jealousy, self-demeaning words, and the repeating of your problems can all be lumped under ego.

We use it as a misguided attempt to protect ourselves.

If we did not have ego, we would have to face the world as it truly is.  If you are not use to this, it sounds scary.  Hiding behind ego is like comforting junk food--it feels good while you are eating it, but it causes sickness to our soul and body.

Every time you notice the ego talking: listen to your breath, become aware of your surroundings, notice how you feel.  Being in the moment is death to the ego.

Recognizing your ego is like taking a sledgehammer to it.  You can let go of your need for it if it is in smaller pieces.

And then you can more easily hear the quiet voice leading to joy.

Heather Leigh

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Timing is Everything

I schedule, plan, set short and long-term goals, fill my Day Planner, and write a things to do list.  Everything is going to go just as I foresee.

Oh, but wait! I asked the Universe for happiness and the Universe, with all of it's own planning stuff, has a different agenda then I do.  All of my planning plays second fiddle to the Universal Planner.

There are two options here. 1. Force my schedule and take longer to get what I want.  2. Go with the schedule changes that the Universe brings and reach happiness as fast as the Universe can travel.

Hmmm, yeah, I'm going for door number two.

Heather Leigh

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Power > Excuses

I was going to write this blog earlier, but I ran out of cat food, my dog needed a walk, my son wanted to show me how to use a Diablo, the cupboards needed cleaning and there was a glass of red wine screaming to be sipped.  It's not my fault this took so long to write.

This may all be true but...

Giving excuses gives away my power because I am not being responsible for my own life. Giving away my power reduces my ability to change my life.

Why do I want to change my life?  Because I want to increase my happiness.

And who increases my happiness? Me.

So, I am writing this blog right now because it brings me happiness.  No excuses.

I do have to admit that I always maintained my power over those dirty cupboards. In no way did they coerce me into cleaning them over writing this blog.

Heather Leigh

Friday, April 15, 2011

Replacing Fear

Life is changing rapidly for me. We are moving across the state to a town I have officially visited three times, the only pet-friendly house I could find to rent is a dump, and job prospects are questionable.

But I know it is going to turn out to be a wonderful move for us.

In the MEANTIME, fears are popping up.  So, I replace them.  I don't throw away the fears, as this can lead to shoulder injuries (really!).  I see the fears, accept them, let them transmute away by themselves, and immediately replace them with a picture of what I want my new life to be like.

Replace fear with hope.

Oh, and take many deep mindful breaths.

And, okay, maybe a bit of chocolate.  Chocolate always helps.

Heather Leigh

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Easy Listening Lesson

After wondering what beautiful lesson the Universe was presenting me with regarding an acquaintance who wanted to talk about negative things for long periods, I asked a friend for help. She taught me two things.

One, we all need to vent through exercise, talking, crying, something. I was allowing this person to vent through me and I did not need to allow it.

Two, the lesson was as simple as setting a time limit for her that I would stick to and feel comfortable with. I did not need to explain myself--just tell her I had 5 minutes to listen and then say goodbye.

The process worked smoothly this morning when she called and I re-learned another valuable lesson: Life can be that easy!

Heather Leigh

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Animal Spirit Guides

When you see a particular animal that begs for your attention, such as a hawk on a fence post, fourteen rabbits on one walk, a butterfly on your shoulder, take notice. It could be giving a message, such as: offering comfort, a new perspective, or a warning.

You'll know if the animal is offering a message if you feel a special significance to their presence.

Animal Medicine Cards can reveal what the message is.  They are based on the general traits of different animals.

For example, a lizard ran into my living room last week.  The Lizard Card told me that the fruition of either my dreams or fears was coming soon. As I am moving far from my home city next month, the lizard was sending a timely message.  I paid attention to the fact that it would be either my dreams or fears coming and decided to concentrate on my dreams.

Dreaming is more fun.

Heather Leigh