Sunday, January 23, 2011

Third Eye Opening

Shirodara treatments can help to open your Third Eye, giving an expanded view of the spiritual world. It is done by having a thin stream of warm oil (often ayervedic oil)  poured onto your forehead, concentrating on the area just above the middle of your eyebrows. As you will be lying on a table, the oil then pours into your hair.

Although I had been 'seeing' spirits for several years, afterwards I saw them more frequently.  I became aware of ghosts entering rooms, blocked and/or flowing energy on people, angels, animal guides and spiritual guides.  Also, I am more able to feel vibrational variations in different places.

The Third Eye, for me, first looked like an open eye that I saw when I closed my physical eyes.  Now, it has changed to a black center in the shape of an eye, with layers of colors encircling it. Warm showers make it easier to see.

A friend told my once that after opening her Third Eye, she began to see a spirit that frightened her.  She decided to ask her spiritual guides that her Third Eye be closed, and it was.

Shirodara treatments are offered at a few spas.  When booking your appointment, ensure that the procedure is not done with a 'squirt gun' of warm oil.  (I'm not kidding--this really happened to a friend of mine!)  A copper bowl with a small hole in the bottom was used in my treatment.

There is no guarantee that a Shirodara treatment will open your Third Eye.  But if nothing else, it is an extremely relaxing procedure and the oil is generally great for your hair.

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