Friday, November 15, 2013

Blustery Raven Day

This morning was a Pooh and Piglet blustery day. I could picture them walking in front of me on their way to Owl's house, about to be around for the destruction of the famous tree house.  After the dwelling is destroyed from a harsh wind, Owl asks Pooh if he did that.

"I don't think so," answers Pooh.

His answer always makes me laugh.

In walking along the bay this morning, I watched an unkindness (that is what a group of ravens is called--I just googled it) of ravens attempting to land on palm tree fronds waving in the wind.  It took them awhile as this is no easy feat.  I read once that our smartest computers cannot figure out how to land something on a tree branch that is jostling about from a brisk wind.  But a bird, with the notorious bird-sized brain, can.  Imagine, a little bird is smarter than the world's smartest computer. I love that thought.

And in watching the ravens, my mind was stilled with a far-fetched but works for me, metaphor.

There is a family relative and a friend, both whom I am close to, who are in the midst of health issues.  They are being jostled about with medications, and doctors, and figuring out the best place to land so as to arrive in a place of health.  The wind is blowing from all directions and landing is not easy.

There is no answer to why the wind came, when it will stop, how hard it will blow, or from which direction it will come from.  It just appeared.

What can I do about this wind for those ravens? I ask myself.  I have no control over the wind.  I cannot reach the fronds to give them a steady place to rest.  I can only watch and hope they catch hold of something soon.

Swooping and diving, hovering and flapping, the ravens eventually find their place to perch.

Being on the ground, mesmerized with the dance they must play, I am helpless to assist them in any formal way.  I send thoughts of encouragement, love and support.  Do they know that I want them to succeed?  Does my love of the creatures that they are help them feel their way to safety?  Does a radiation of positive energy transmit to guiding ravens on their quest to end their journey?

I don't know about the ravens, as they tell me nothing.  But my relative and friend assure me that the love I send does help to ease the pain a bit. So love is what I send.

They each hold their own journey which is theirs, not mine.  My part is to be thankful that they are a part of my life, and that I have the capacity to send love, support and positive energy.

Goddess bless them both.  Angels watch over them.

And so it is.


Heather Leigh

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