Thursday, October 31, 2013

Singing Religion

As I once heard from Michael Beckwith at one of his inspirational lectures, "someday, singing will be our religion."  His impromptu revelation came after listening to his wife, Rickie Byars Beckwith, sing her soul out to the crowded spiritual center in San Diego. She has a voice that shocks your spirit into being alive, present, and appreciative of her every lyric.

Now, I am not an old prude and I do like Rock and Roll from the Beatles and Elvis to the present day stuff my boys listen to, but sharing the gift of spiritually centered music with other like minded souls is like having a speed pass to my inner sanctuary.  When I meditate, I prefer a quiet room to myself.  When I listen to sounds designed to awaken me to my path to God, sitting in a room with others is my preferred option.  I don't know why that is, but somehow being a part of a group in which we are all enjoying ourselves brings about a more intense experience for me.  Must be the combined energy of the people moving along with the rhythm, musicians and the singer.  The energy pieces of each come together to uplift us all into an even greater force. The whole is greater than the combined individual pieces.

What I also gain is that a really good song, one that captures my breath in the first few notes, is crazy fast in getting me to a meditative state.  All of the day's ego filling up the mind with wordy crap can slip away in moments. It's like getting a fast track pass for the highway.  Once in my enlightened state, my heartbeat can pulsate along with the beat of the chords.  My breathing can relax into a consistent peace.  Roles that can cause stress and pressure are jerked out of me like a lover ripping off clothing in a moment of passion.  Yah, it is that good for me.

Of course, I am talking about live music here. A concert in which the singer is experiencing a passion for their self expression.  A singer who forgets that they are there to entertain and expands him or herself to become one with their bliss.  To share with this kind of performer in hopes of wanting a touch of the divine within is religion at its most evolved state.

Religion means to do something religiously, as in all the time. What if the whole world were singing together in a singing spiritual quest for just five minutes.  "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.  I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one"--John Lennon.

And so I sing out to you: Namaste,

Heather Leigh

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