Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Why An Angel Visit?

Last night an angel came into my room and I don't know why.  It filled the ceiling and was just like what I've seen in books and movies. It was all white, whiter than the white in normal fabrics, with a long flowing gown, wings and a golden hand held harp. The harp surprised me as I thought that was something from the movies also.

I asked why it had come and received no reply. Having just completed a nightly prayer of support for my aunt Judy, I thought perhaps the angel had come to tell me something of her health.  But there was no answer--at least none that I could understand.

Whether the angel is male or female in not applicable because there was no sexual identity.  Calling an angel 'it' seems demeaning, but I have no better pronoun.

The angel hovered above my bed and stayed there. In seeing such otherworldly entities, the seeing (for me) is not from the eyes that show me this computer screen. Perhaps if I were a painter, I could illustrate better what I saw.  Entities that lived on the earth I can see as they were in human form. But things of the spirit world I see with what is described as the third eye. At least that is what I believe it is. How do I know how I see something that is not seen by others? Things that I do not understand myself? It is like describing colors to a person who has been blind from birth.

Mostly what I felt was curiosity as to why the angel had come. When doing massage, or energy work, the entities that I have seen had a purpose in coming that I understood. Like a loved one who has passed on and come back to send a message of comfort. Or a negative manifestation that is leaving a body. I've seen people with what I call 'transition angels' standing behind them when they are going through major changes in life. But I don't know that these are actual angels--could be a spirit guide.

Once I saw what I thought was an angel when awakening from sleep.  That time between sleep and wakefulness when we sometimes catch a glimpse of an entity, or hear them talking. Now I question myself as to whether or not she was an actual angel. She was flying away from my body on my left side. Her gown held every color in a pattern similar to mermaid scales. The hair was long and flowing but try as I might I can't remember the color. The glimpse of her was fleeting. As soon as my mind awakened my vision of her disappeared.

This angel was different from all that I had experienced. I am also surprised to find that it looked so much like the typical angel that one might find on top of a Christmas tree. And it was so big. It covered the entire ceiling, which is about fifteen feet long.

The things I know about angels is that they have never experienced their own lifetime on earth, that they can not help you until you ask for help, and that each person has one or two that watch over them throughout their time on earth. This is not much to go on.  But maybe that is all that we need to know.

Last night an angel came into my room and I don't know why. What I know is that today I feel peaceful.  Perhaps that is enough.

Heather Leigh

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