Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Walking the Labyrinth

Tonight I went on my first spiritual labyrinth walk. It was held at a cathedral downtown in their Great Hall. I must admit that my expectations were low as it is just a circular labyrinth painted on the floor.  Tea candles surrounded the circle at regular intervals. On a table by the door were plastic-coated blue cards with a white outline of an angel on the back of each one.

Arriving on time, there was only one other person in the room. After introducing ourselves, we found that neither of us had ever been on an L walk and didn't know what to do but wonder if we had come on the wrong night.  As the common theme in any big city, we blamed traffic for the lateness of other people and assumed we were at the right place at the right time.

The leader of the walk bounced in with a cheerful yet calm disposition and soon had us lighting the candles. As her lighters barely worked, and my book of matches lit one candle per match, our journey began before entering the L--taking the time to slowly ready ourselves for a journey.

We were encouraged to pick a card from the table, and then one of the books that went with the cards. The card that my hands were led to revealed the word JOY with a beautiful flower as a background. That seemed like a positive sign from the Universe. And after looking up Joy in the accompanying book, I found that I was correct! It stated that I was entering a time of great inner joy in my life--burdens are lifting. Yey!

After reading about my spiritual message from the Universe, I ventured forth on to the labyrinth. The leader had ensured us that however we traveled through the walk was the perfect way for us.  There was no wrong way.

I can't say that in viewing the labyrinth from the outside that I was entirely skeptical, but I was not overly impressed. I mean, really, it was just a big black outline of a circle with an entrance, a long winding maze to the center, and then turn around and come back. The only thing that looked half-way promising as far as inspiration goes was the center with a few pillows for sitting in meditation. Ho hum.

But, always game for the spiritual adventure, I took my place at the entrance.

Okay, now, it was weird and funny to me because as soon as I entered I felt joy and peace and love. I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time from happiness. Weird, right? I mean, it's just a maze. So, I kept walking and started to receive all these messages from my spiritual guides. It was all about loving others.

Then this mantra came into my head that was going before I realized that I was thinking it: I am joy. Oh, yea, now that is a good mantra.

It must have taken me about 15 minutes to slowly walk barefooted along the thin, methodically winding path that eventually brought me to the center. The entire way, I was downloading beautiful, loving messages about peace, love, abundance, joy, and happiness.  And this may sound silly, but my white feet looked so pretty taking each step in front of me.

In the middle of the labyrinth, I stopped to meditate. Now that I think about it, it must have been a great meditation, because I have no recollection of any thoughts when I was there. Funny how meditation is considered successful when there is no thinking involved.

After the mindless meditation, I left the center and retraced my steps. Few thoughts ran through my head on the way out.  This was a time of absorbing what I had heard on the way in.

Leaving the labyrinth, I took the time to bow with palms pressed together and offer my Namaste to the experience. The energy that was held within that silly painted circle on the ground was a blessing to be thankful for.

Also to thank was the leader. I gave her my thanks on the way out and was invited to come again next month. Every time I can, I told her.

What a wonderful thing to be able to guide people on. I am so thankful that I did not listen to my pre-judgement of the simple circle painted on the hall floor of an old church.  The journey may have appeared simple from the outside, but once in, the beautiful profundity was immediately apparent.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Universe, for another great peaceful adventure!

Heather Leigh

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