Sunday, November 13, 2016

Travel Within For Help

Trusting in Trump is like trusting that an abusive husband really has 'changed his ways' because he says so. When he takes over, he will tell people whatever it takes to keep down protests and win his favor. Then, once all is back to quiet contentment, the changes that have the possibility of bringing down our nation in economic and environmental issues will creep forth.

But I am not here to predict our gloom. What I want to say is that the changes that are needed to ensure abundance for all, will come from individuals, and groups of positive people. It will be from the ground up that life will continue.

We don't all have to strap ourselves to redwood trees and oil rigs; although this will be needed at certain times. What we can do as individuals is whatever we can to bring awareness, light and love to ourselves first, and then let it shine to those around us.

Every morning, my email is filled with requests from agencies asking for money to protect the environment, animals, and human rights. But trying to save each one is like fighting a wildfire with a single extinguisher at the edge of the fire. There are too many 'herpes sores' to heal with one container of balm; too many human made boo-boos for one box of bandages.

The root of the problem is the disconnection of humans from one another, the earth, and animals. Too many people don't get that we are all connected. If I had a child who was stolen away from me, and then discovered him sewing a new blouse in a sweat shop, would I buy the blouse? Of course not.

In writing that, I recognize that I contribute to child exploitation. I drive my car and contribute to Climate Change. I eat eggs and am a part of a system that destroys male chickens.

Beyond trying to reduce my carbon imprint, what can I do? What can we do? Honestly, I don't really know. My gut tells me to support anything that will bring awareness to as many individuals as I can; through the gifts that I have been given. These include being an empath, a mother, and a writer.

I help individuals by 'seeing' their blocked energy and being a facilitator to open pathways for release. Becoming the best mother possible through parenting classes, reading child-rearing books, and learning to listen to my boys rather than react. All this and more I did in the desire to raise two individuals who would live positive lives. As a writer, I ask myself if what I am presenting has an embedded message of something good. Could be laughter, how to access higher spiritual paths, or help children discover their own powers of strength.

My best advice to you is to look within and ask what you can offer to the world that will bring us to our highest good. Set as a goal the advancement of people to a higher spiritual level. One in which we all recognize that there is no us and them, that hurting the earth only hurts us. And that on an economic level, gaining quick profits destroys the economy in the long-run.

Go within, ask for the best possible way for you to help the world, and then do it.

Spiritual Lynx

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