Monday, February 6, 2017

The Heretical Apocrypha

Apocrypha means 'things that are hidden'. It is sacred text, thought of as an addendum to the Old Testament. Many believe that it was kept hidden from the general population because it was deemed heretical So, that means that I had to read it when stumbling on a copy at the local used book store.

What I read last night that really struck me:

Champion the widow, defend the cause of the fatherless, give to the poor, protect the orphan, provide clothing for those who have none; care for the weak and the helpless, and do not mock at the cripple; watch over the disabled. and bring the blind to the vision of my radiance. Keep both old and young safe within your walls.
     -2 Esdras 20 21 23
It was the simplicity and directness that affected me. No proverbs, parables, nothing that was abstract. Easy to understand directions that tell us exactly what to do.

And yet, so difficult.

When we want to give to the poor, we are ambushed with doubt. Will the person use the money for drugs? Am I being a sucker by giving to someone who simply doesn't feel like working? I made this money working hard for a living. Why do you get to sit on a corner with a cardboard sign and expect me to fork over my pay?

Giving to charities also has insecurities. There are so many that give a huge portion of contributions to sales, marketing, administration, CEOs. What proportion of my money actually gets to the needy?

My advice:
1.  Stay away from panhandlers asking for money. Rather, when you see them, send off a vision of support. You can picture in your mind the person receiving a paycheck, living in house, eating a nutritious meal from their own kitchen. Thoughts become things. Your vision is stronger than you think.

2.  The best way to deal with NPOs is to do some research.Not everything has to be done spiritually. That internet is so damned useful. Find groups that support what you care about, and then research how much of your money goes to administration, and how much to the actual cause.

3.  Practice love-heart meditations. As you go into the sanctity of your meditative state, direct your attention to your heart. Feel it receiving Universal Love. Breathe it into your body, always filling your self first.

Next, let it flow out of your heart and spill out to your immediate surroundings. Keep it going to include your room, house, town, as far as you want it to go. Now ask it to give extra focus to whatever cause you desire. Could be the refugees in your state, abused animals, neglected seniors. Whomever you want to 'feel the love' will automatically benefit from your attentions--they won't even know what hit them.

For those people you do know that are going through a challenging time, take the time to do the good stuff for them. Bring on the casseroles for the recently widowed. Offer to take your neighbor's kids to the park when she has a new baby screaming-literally-for her attention. Mow the lawn of an elderly or sickly neighbor. Good deeds are in your face every moment, just waiting to be done.

We are all busy, but volunteering your time adds value to your life. This is one thing I have been rotten at. I've recently started going to a Quaker church. They are incredibly gung-ho with doing charitable acts. My intention now is to join in on the fun.

In these times of turmoil, doing for others is more needful than ever.

Please leave a comment below as to what you've been doing, have done, or are contemplating doing to match the statements from the Apocrypha. I would love to be inspired by your actions and know that anyone reading this will also.

Looking for ways to become more spiritually aware? Have I got the book for you:

And so it is,
Spiritual Lynx

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