Monday, February 28, 2011

Relaxation Language

Relaxing is like learning a new language.  When I massage a tense person, if I just say 'relax', it may sound like I am speaking Sanskrit or Mandarin Chinese. Unless you are fluent in these languages, you won't 'know' what is being said.

Teach your body the language of relaxation by immersing yourself in it--just like learning a foreign language.  When you are relaxed in a warm bath, during a massage, or in the moments before you wake, take note of how you feel.  Learn from the experience. Then throughout your day, take three breaths, and recall how you felt during your relax moment.

The more often you immerse yourself in the foreign language of relaxation, the easier it will be to bring it into your life.

It is when we are relaxed that we can hear the Universe guiding us.


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