Friday, July 19, 2013

Love, Epiphanies, and Bliss

"Free to Love" is the class I'm taking now, presented by Reverend Dr. Kathy Hearn. As having a loving relationship is a common world wide desire, the chairs filled quickly with eager students. When I walked into the room, it felt like a spiritual singles dating encounter.  I mean, what better place to meet your mate than a class that promised to release a horde of healthy partners into the world? I know in the back of my mind, that desire was certainly present.

All that aside, in the first class I learned some fresh information about relationships, meditated on being open to love, talked about the process of being free to love, set personal intentions for myself, the class, the world, and received information that turned into a learning epiphany for me.

Epiphany: when I love someone unconditionally, I release my attachment to them!

Quick disclaimer, as I am still wrapping my head around what this fully means, I will do my best to explain, but cannot promise guru precision on getting every word correct.

What Reverend Kathy said, was that if there is someone in your life who is in a negative state, it is okay not to hang out with them (my interpretation, she phrased it with much more eloquence). If you want to be of service to the world, and there is someone who is being an obstacle to your obtaining this desire, then stepping away from this person/environment may be the best thing to do.

Wow, this explained so much to me. In wanting to grow spiritually and be a loving person, I struggled with the fact that there are certain people and situations that I just don't want to be around.  I thought that I should be okay with being around anyone.  After all, if my intention is to love all beings, shouldn't I want to be with them, too?

Further, I know that as I grow spiritually, I am able to be around a wider group of people and not be effected by any negative energy they may be giving out.  However, there are still some who I am not ready to be around, especially for a lengthy time.  As the spiritual growth path is an upward spiral, I am getting better at loving unconditionally.

I'm reaching for the nirvana of Jesus' bliss, but have yet to arrive.

Heather Leigh

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