Friday, October 18, 2013

Heavenly Burrito Singer

Through our apartment window we can see into the back of a burrito shop. There is a drive-thru, so we hear the orders being placed through our kitchen window. Sometimes, early in the morning, there is an employee in there who sings into the microphone from inside the restaurant. If I get up early enough (they are open 24 hours), I get a wonderful concert as he is a great singer.

Seems to me that he is not giving the world the benefit of his talents.

This is what I believe an awakened world is all about: everybody doing what they love, sharing their creativity.  While there are many who love to cook and make burritos and serve people yummy food, he is not one of them.  He would be happier entertaining us with his voice.

Stealing the idea from John Lennon, imagine all the people doing what they love.  Think how beautiful this world would be. No one would be stuck in a job that paid the bills but they got little happiness from beyond the paycheck.

There would have to be a world-wide change, by everybody, for this to happen. This is what being awakened means: everybody seeing the benefits of helping each other achieve what they they want, and being open to taking the risk of trying something new for yourself.

There will always be people who love being an accountant, serve food, work in construction. The only snag would probably be finding enough people to clean the sewage system or scrub public toilets, but if we all took turns sharing the responsibility, it would get done. Say, if we all spent a few hours a month doing public service work and the rest of the month on giving of our talents, wow, that would be a world to imagine.

Of course, the only way to achieve this utopia is if every world soul was keen on the concept. Slackers and manipulators of the system would screw it up for everyone. In order for this to work, it has to be at a Universal level.

Crazy optimist that I am, I believe that is what the human race is going toward. Every being who is awakened to our connection to the earth and each other is pulling us one step toward the heaven on earth that Jesus spoke of.

Think positive thoughts and we'll all be on that path sooner rather than later.

This goes out to the burrito shop singer: Thank you for your voice. It is a wonderful thing to wake up to!
Heather Leigh

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