Thursday, October 3, 2013

Let's Win This

Remember the last scene of 'Dead Poet's Society' in which the teacher, Robin Williams, had been fired for being too different, too inspiring, invoking too much change in a school built on constancy? How all the students, one by one, declared, "Oh, Captain, My Captain" and stood on their desks?  They were letting him know that his message of discovering life for themselves, of not feeding the mundane roles life had given them, of being what they are capable of being.  They got it all.

The vibration of our world is speeding up. Now is the time to make the choice of love or fear, every day, every second, every moment.  There is no putting off for later the choice.

Recently, I met a man who asked if I wanted to go someplace I have never been. The physical concept, the excitement of getting into a car and driving to some unknown location to experience something new is refreshing, scary and invigorating. My god, what will I wear?

But after a moment's reflection, I realized that is exactly what we are all doing right now--being asked to go some place we have never been. Yes, we've been glimpsing more and more the goodness of humanity, the spots in our lives that are marked and appreciated as times of love's energy being felt.  But, I hope, we are on our way to tipping the world scale to topple over into peace--someplace we have not experienced on a world level.

The only way for this to happen is organically, individually.  Every thought, every choice, do your best to keep it positive.

If we all choose love, we win.

Heather Leigh

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