Monday, October 28, 2013

Massage Through Gong

On yet another spiritual adventure, I ventured forth to a gong meditation at the spiritual center I attend last week. Sunday morning, as I was putting away the crayons, glitter glue, and crafts that we use in Sunday School, a lovely, gentle woman in a brown flowing skirt asked if I was entering the room to partake in the gong meditation.  It was a ten minute preview of what was to be offered for an hour in a few days time.

Oh, goodness, yes! I knew the Universe had once again set up my timing to ensure that I was in the place I needed to be in order to get in on that preview. Thank you, Universe, for putting together that time/space thing to boost my spiritual frequency and keep me on the path to God/Goddess.

The room was large with a plain brown carpet and a large hanging gong on one side. Chairs were placed in a circle around the gong for fellow relaxation conspirators. The gong expert quickly told us that the gong was able to produce every sound vibration in the world, thus connecting us to everything there is. In connecting through the auditory senses, we are in connection with our highest self.  I was so in now.

When she started the soulful sounds, the traffic in my mind slowed and my heart was being reached. My body sought to bridge itself to the vibrations of the gong.  Muscles relaxed and a stillness was reached. This preview had me hooked but was not long enough to move me where I wanted to be.

The instructor, Barbara Cole, has this to say about gong meditation:

The gong is an ancient instrument and it's healing vibrations can help you to:
  • Still your mind
  • Achieve a deeper state of meditation
  • Strengthen your nervous system for dealing with stress
  • support your body to heal naturally 
You can contact her at:

She also told us that our individual cells would be receiving a massage.  Some people may experience the effects by hearing sounds, such as animals, trains, or people talking. Others may feel the vibration going through their body. If there is a desire to leave the room and the experience, she said, resist doing so. This is your ego wanting to cling on to it's self-serving ways.

So by Wednesday evening, I was anxious to receive more of the gong sounds.  The room for church services held about thirty people, with most sitting on the chairs positioned in a circle starting with the gongs.  A dozen or more of us chose to lie on the ground to allow for greater relaxation. The other ground people knew to bring blankets, pillows and mats for comfort, which I will do next time.

This time there were several gongs of different sizes, all hanging from wooden frames, with gold or bronze colors.  They were beautiful and simple and powerful.

Barbara, the instructor, is a vibrant woman who radiates goodness, charm and health. Her manner and speech is accessible, personal and warm--someone you know you can trust with a gong.  When she hit the initial gong, it was set to relax and soothe and free our minds of the troubles of the day. She knew how to create space for us to reach tranquility and begin to travel to the depths of who we truly are.  Her intention was to reach each chakra, free it of any unwanted residue, and balance each one. 

I experienced hearing a train sound in the beginning.  The start of my journey perhaps? As time progressed, I could feel the energies of my body that were not positive leaving. This corresponded with seeing the demon features that had attached to the negative energy that had accumulated within me. As Barbara had said might happen, my reactive state wanted to leave. I hung in there. Demons left and as they did, love was allowed to light up my true self. My body felt lighter.  Energy was heightened.

After the meditation, several people shared their experience. One woman heard seagulls, several people heard whales, and one man heard people talking.  I saw a squirrel.  Everyone felt deeply relaxed and connected to the Universe.

It lasted about forty-five minutes and I wanted more.  As the world is constantly offering blessings, she will be back at the Center in three weeks.  Barbara had told us that gong meditation is addicting and I so agree.

If any of you spiritual aficionados have the opportunity to relax through gong meditation, this author strongly recommends doing so. It was some powerful stuff.


Heather Leigh

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